Hi, I'm trying to use the SCTIMER module in my LPC824 to time input signals so i can decode them. I've managed to get match events to work, however I can't seem to get input events working. I've set up my event using your sdk like so:
if(SCTIMER_CreateAndScheduleEvent(SCTIMER_1_PERIPHERAL, kSCTIMER_InputRiseEvent, 0, kSCTIMER_Input_1, kSCTIMER_Counter_L, &SCTimer_1_event[0]) == kStatus_Fail){
USART_WriteBlocking(USART0, riseEventFailMsg,35);
but it doesn't seem to trigger (i have both a capture and led output set to activate when the event triggers, i know they work with match events). I suspect the most likely candidate is a faulty config in pinmux.c but I can't find anything wrong, here's the relevant parts out of pinmux as well:
/* SCT_PIN0. Assign to pin using the switch matrix 1 */
INPUTMUX_AttachSignal(INPUTMUX, 1U, kINPUTMUX_SctPin0ToSct0);/* SCT_PIN0 connect to P0_2 */
SWM_SetMovablePinSelect(SWM0, kSWM_SCT_PIN0, kSWM_PortPin_P0_2);
Anyone got any ideas?
Hello James Ward,
Could you please share your whole project, also tell me the detail steps to reproduce your issue.
Hiya, attached is the project which at the moment should capture the timer value at rise and fall edges on input P0_2 (SCT input0), it should return these values over serial. it should also blink an LED attached to pin P0_11 on reception of any pulses on that pin (I'm using a custom PCB, not a dev board). However, the rise and fall events never trigger (no led blink and capture reg remains at 0) no matter what inputs i give them. I know the output works because i can blink it with a match event and I have managed to get the input working using PINT and GPIO so I know my input signal is fine.
So, steps to reproduce the problem are to try and create an input triggered event on input 0 using the MCUxpresso config tool, then trigger that event with an input and see what happens. I think it's most likely my input config is incorrect but I don't know in what way or why.
Thanks, fingers crossed it's just me being silly.
EDIT: just realised that i forgot to init INPUTMUX, have now done so but it still doesn't work :smileysad:
EDIT2: Electric Boogaloo : I tried it with a different Pin and it worked perfectly. so it looks like his SCT stuff isn't working specifically on that pin however I can still detect GPIO and PINT events on that pin so I have no idea what's causing this. Are there some pins SCT doesn't work for?