Hi all!
I've rescued my old LPCxpresso due the actual microchips problem and I want to develop some personal projects.
It was working fine when I put it in the wardrobe some years ago but now, it's impossible to program it with the latest MCUxpresso IDE and Win10.
The first time I connect the USB cable, it is programed fine from IDE. However, next flashing can't be done. I need to re-connect USB cable to LPC-Link probe (v1.3) works again.
What can I do to program the LPC without problems?
After you program, I suppose you have to terminate the current debugging process by clicking the "Clean up Debug" software button on the MCUXpresso tools as the following Fig before you launch another debugging process.
If you still have issue, pls holding the PIO0_1 or IO0_3 as LOW during after Reset, so the chip can enters ISP mode, then pls debug the chip.
Hope it can help you
XiangJun Rong
As you said that the "I need to re-connect USB cable to LPC-Link probe (v1.3) works again.", it is weird.
I suspect that the board power supply maybe has issue, do you use the MCU-link board to provide power for the LPCXpresso13xx board? If it is the case, can you use external independent power supply to provide the power for the LPCXpresso13xx board rather than the MCU-link board power supply?
The MCU-link board power supply can NOT provide enough power for the LPCXpresso13xx board I suspect
Hi Xiangf!
The LPCXpresso LPC1347 board has included the LPC-Link in one side and the LPC1347 evaluation board in the opposite.
So it's designed to supply the LPC microcontroller directly from the USB connection in the programming side.
Okay, I see.
If you press Reset button on the EVK, can you reconnect it?
XiangJun Rong
There ins't any button on the EVK but there is a reset pin.
If i put it to gnd, the programmer side resets and I don't need to re-plug the USB cable so it's perfect!
Thank you for your reply!