I am trying to get an external interrupt working on a falling edge. My code is based on the driver example from MCUXPresso which works on the associated eval board. It looks like this:
INPUTMUX_AttachSignal(INPUTMUX, kPINT_PinInt0, kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin26ToPintsel);
NVIC_SetPriority(PIN_INT0_IRQn , 1);
PINT_PinInterruptConfig(PINT, kPINT_PinInt0, kPINT_PinIntEnableFallEdge, callback_fn);
PINT_EnableCallbackByIndex(PINT, kPINT_PinInt0);
On the pin, there is ususally 3V3 level and when an external event happens, the pin is pulled to low for 200us.
I get no reaction, the callback is never called. Interestingly, if I change the interrupt config to low level, the callback gets called so the basic configuration can't be that bad. I suspect some strange filtering or something like that is going on. Can anybody help me?
Hello @orange_chris
Do you have LPCxpressso55s36-evk board? If yes, how about test your project ton EVK board?
If still have same issue, please send your project to me, I help you check.
Hello, I've got it running in the meantime. It was a init order problem. The IOCON was not clocked yet.