Content originally posted in LPCWare by sh on Fri Oct 11 06:54:27 MST 2013
I have seen the FAQs, thanks. The board is an older one and has an LPC4330; the SPIFI-flash is a Spansion S25FL032P1F.
I don't actually use the multicore app wizardry. I have two independent projects which can be loaded independently, because I currently work on the M0 application, and don't see a point in reloading the M4 code every time. The M0 application is almost 200 kByte in size and posting it in toto would probably be somewhat excessive. The map file for the M0 application is 700 kByte already. Tell me if I should post it nevertheless.
I should add that I have the M4 reprogram the clocking setup, and the SPIFI, to get best performance. The cores are clocked at 204 MHz, and the SPIFI is clocked at 80 MHz divided down from the USB PLL using IDIVA and IDIVB in cascade. I do that using code executing from RAM before starting the M0. This seems to work, since the M0 code does start up properly, I just can't usefully debug it due to the symptoms I described.
There are more debug problems, by the way. The machinery gets into a non-working state quite frequently, so that I have to manually kill the redlink server, and disconnect/reconnect target and LPC-Link2, otherwise it tells me that the core I'm trying to debug is already busy. It seems that the various parts of the debugging infrastructure get out of sync somehow.
And one more question: Is it possible to set up debugging in such a way that I can start the slave (M0) application and hit a breakpoint on main() in a similar way as on the M4? Currently I help myself with an endless loop in the M0 application at a point where I would otherwise have a breakpoint, but you can see why that's inconvenient.