Hi guys,
I'm looking for an example how to disable the power of all peripherals of LPC1833 (except both CAN controllers) before putting the MCU into sleep mode. According to NXP's data sheet the power consumption must be 8.8mA at 3.3v in this mode. With both CAN enabled this should be slightly more.
I'm using LPCOpen example "misc_pmc_states". Looking inside the code, the sleep mode is a simple __WFI(). There is no pending interrupts so __WFI() seems to work and power consumption drops from 155 mA to 140 mA. I'm measuring directly at MCU regulator power pins. But this is way too much for sleep mode. According to NXP's data sheet the 8.8mA are not guaranteed but are measured with PLL1 disabled, IRC running, CCLK = 12 MHz (it seems the provided example only uses __WFI() to enter the sleep mode). Does anyone have an example how to do this?
Thanks all!