JTAG Mode SWD Mode Signal Notes TCK SWCLK Clock into the core Use 10K-100K Ohm pull-down resistor to GND |
Unlike Mike, I'm using a device which shares its serial wire pins with GPIO. If the pull-up is enabled in IOCON as its default condition out of reset, doesn't it have a pull-up? Could you please clarify.
This message is a bit old but I will reply it as it might help other people and I asked myself the same question tonight. Here is the answer from Design Considerations for Debug :
Some MCUs do not include internal pull-up or pull-down resistors on JTAG/SWD pins. You will need to review the datasheet for the specific MCU being used to confirm. Where internal resistors are not provided, these should be added externally onto your board as detailed above. You may use resistors between 10K and 100K for these signals. This will prevent the signals from floating when they are not connected to anything. Failure to do this will lead to, at best, unreliable debug connections, or more likely no ability to debug at all.
If an internal resistor is provided for a pin by the MCU, then an external resistor is not required for that pin. But if external resistor is provided in such cases, then it must match that provided internally by the MCU.
Hmm, actually NXP Documentation does not agree with above NXP statement: "But if external resistor is provided in such cases, then it must match that provided internally by the MCU."
In the LPC11U6x User Manual and Data sheet it is said SWDIO and SWCLK have an internal pull-up for SWDIO and pull-down for SWCLK by default. But both documents contain a diagram that shows the recommendation to add a pull-up and pull-down resistors. And the value of these resistors do not necessary match the internal MCU...
So what should be done for LPC11U6x?