Content originally posted in LPCWare by aras on Wed Feb 20 09:53:59 MST 2013
Thanks for the fast response!
So, DBGEN is level sensitive, but what clock domain does it live in? Presumably JTAG CLK. Might it be necessary to do a reset, TRST or HW reset, after changing it? Or does it have simply a static logic (ie mux) function?
I ask because on our board TRST and DBGEN are tied together (a mistake) and if I do the same thing on an Xplorer board I can sometimes repeat the errant behaviour. Are there other conditions that affect the ability of debuggers to "connect" to JTAG/SWD? We have seen this problem with all 5 of the debuggers available to us, perhaps on some more than others. We have done basic stuff like reduce the jtag clk freq. Clearly, under certain conditions, JTAG just gets jammed -- e.g. when core clock is out of spec? Can you list some of those conditions and what can be done to resolve them, please? TRST, Reset and so on?
Cheers, Richard.