Content originally posted in LPCWare by mch0 on Fri Mar 20 01:01:58 MST 2015
my very first question is:
If you want to stop the HSADC at TC, why don't you simply mark that block as the last one in the linked list?
Then the HSADC would continue to run a little bit, but without effect ...
Generally speaking I'd say stopping the HSADC precisely might indeed be not that easy, this probably depends mostly on the condition and the ratio "sampling rate/CPU clock". At 80 MSPS you'll get a compressed sample every 5 clocks ...
It might help to know more about your application.
I have considered in the past to use the M0SUB core to "peek" at top speed at the HSADC and stop either the HSADC or modify the LLI on the fly, since this should be still faster than an ISR (of the M4). After all, the SUB-core can run at full speed from its private memory. There will still be the latencies of the bridge.
But I did not need that until now, so no experience.