I was poking around in the drivers folder of my SDK install, and I came across an API that appears to support loading an SB2.1 file from within a user application. However, I cannot find any documentation or examples.
If you have any examples or documentation of the kb_init, kb_deinit, and kb_execute functions it would be greatly appreciated. I have found the online documentation to not cover to the depth necessary to use these functions. For example, my call to kb_init() returns "4", and the listed return values in the header file do not correspond with any enumerator in my sdk folder.
Hello awseiger,
The only Doc describe these ROM APIs is the ROM_API.pdf attached in User Manual of LPC55xx (UM11126).
And about program SB2.1 file, recommend you use blhost, refer to the
Thank you, this is helpful. I was not opening the .pdf with Adobe Acrobat, so I never knew there were attachments.
What is the value of kRomApiVersion? I did a search of the SDK drivers folder and I did not find this symbol defined anywhere.
Hello awseiger,
You can get the ROM API version through the below function from fsl_api.c file:
static uint32_t get_rom_api_version(void)
if (BOOTLOADER_API_TREE_POINTER->bootloader_version.major == 3u)
return 1u;
return 0u;