I use the OM40003 in a project and I noticed the existence of the OM13098, with a clock difference from 180Mhz to 220Mhz.
My doubts are:
Does this clock difference give me really better performance?
To migrate an algorithm from OM40003 to OM13098, would I have big problems? Tools used in the algorithm, in short, FreeRTOS, LVGL, various I2C, Ctimers (PWM mode).
I would like to apologize for the delay. We are overloaded on the requests theses days. I truly appreciate your patience.
Regarding your questions, I was checking both User Manuals, but it is difficult to tell you if there is going to be a really better performance for your, I can say that it depends a lot on your application.
In regards of your another question, esentially, both LPC has the same architecture, and also depends a lot on your algorithm to can say that it is going to be easy or not to migrate the code, because some registers might be different, but my suggestion is to use our updated SDK examples, where the LPC54018 SDK last version is from 2020 and LPC54628 is the most recent version you can find, so you can try to use it with all the examples that we provide there.
Hope the information was helpful, please let me know if you have more questions.
Best Regards.
Pablo Avalos.