I am trying to use the EVK-board as a debugging probe for an external prototype board.
what I have done:
1.Power the LPCXpresso55S69 board from the Link USB connector P6, and fit jumper J3 across pins 2 - 3 (External Target);
2.J5 is fitted;
3. The Link2 Debug Probe SWD is connected by three lines(SWDIO/SWDCLK/SWO) between the P7 connector to the off-board target MCU SWD interface.
I just wanna share this info.
Hi, Eric,
Great idea, with the LPC55S69-EVK board debugging probe, you can download your off board LPC family.
With J5 closed, the on-board LPC55S69 can NOT receive the SWCLK signal, the on-board SWDIO is input, so your solution is okay.
XiangJun Rong