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LPC Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


For LPC55(S)1x/2x/6x users, please update your fsl_power_lib to SDK2.8.2. The previous SDK(2.6.x and 2.7.x)'s power library have two known function bugs,  1. FRO trim value can not be recovery correctly after wakeup from deep-sleep / power-down / deep power-down.    -- this means the 12MHz FRO frequency is different for after boot-process(11.99 MHz for example) and wakeup from low-power modes(11.89MHz for example).     -- The reason is the FRO trim value not recovery after wakeup.  2. Cap-bank value can not be set correctly by use power lib capbank trim API.    -- This is a software bug which fixed in SDK2.8.2 already. Just replacement the power_lib library file should be workable for most of customers. the API should be compatible. Thank you! Magicoe
Introduction Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, offering over 165 fully-featured services from data centers globally. Millions of customers —including the fastest-growing startups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies—trust AWS to power their infrastructure, become more agile, and lower costs.This document will take you step-by-step in a simple approach to adding peripherals to your AWS IOT and Alexa skills project. This is in continuation of the demo established in the following link, it is important to have this completed before continuing with this guide: Connecting the LPC55S69 to Amazon Web Services  Prerequisites - LPC55S69-EVK - Mikroe WiFi 10 Click - AWS Account - Alexa Developer Account - MCUXpresso IDE 11.2 - LPC55S69 SDK 2.8.0 Modifying "AWS_REMOTE_CONTROL_WIFI" In this example I will be adding a single-ended ADC peripheral. 1. First, create a separate .c and .h files in my source folder to keep it organized.  2. Initialize your peripheral. This includes your global variables, pins, clocks, interrupt handlers and other necessary peripheral configurations yours may have.  In my new_peripherals.c file, I add the following 2.1 Definitions: 2.2 Global variables: 2.3 Interrupt handler: 2.4 Initialization function: 2.5 Read ADC Function: 3.  Create header file with the two functions that will be used to enable the ADC, make sure to include the "fsl_lpadc"drivers. 4.  Add the ADC pin with pin configuration tool.  4.1 In this example I use PIO0_23 for the ADC0 Channel 0, 5. Add ADC_Init function to the main. 6. Now let's go ahead and modify "remote_control.c". Here we need to build the JSON text that we want updating our Thing's shadow with the ADC value, add the read function, add the variable in the initial shadow document and the keyword for our DeltaJSON. 6.1 First create global variables for the actual state of the ADC interaction and the parsed state. 6.2 Add external function which will read the ADC value. 6.3 Shadows use JSON shadow documents to store and retrieve data. A shadow’s document contains a state property that describes these aspects of the device’s state: desired: Apps specify the desired states of device properties by updating the desired object. reported: Devices report their current state in the reported object. delta: AWS IoT reports differences between the desired and the reported state in the delta object. 6.4 I've added the initial ADC state with a hard-coded 0, so that I can verify my Thing's shadow is initialized with the new information. 6.5 In the "void processShadowDeltaJSON(char *json, uint32_t jsonLength)" function, we need to add the condition for the change in state of the ADC. This will helps us identify when the action to read the ADC is requested. 6.6 Finally in the "prvShadowMainTask" function, we will create the action based on the above request. We can add some PRINTFs so that we know that the action is requested and processed properly through the serial console. As you may see I only want to update the ADC value when it is requested. Meaning the value of the ADC's state or parsed state is important. We will clear it to zero after we read the ADC and only update the value when it is 1. As opposed to the LEDState and parsedLEDState, where the value is important since it points to which color LED will be on/off. That's it you can build and run the project! Now we can add the Alexa Skill and the functionality in the AWS Lambda. MODIFYING AWS LAMBDA Since the lambda will be the connection between our LPCXpresso board and the Alexa Skill, we need to add the handler for  our new ADC requests. 1.  In this example we add the third request type which is the ADC event and the name of the callback function we will use.  2. The callback function "manage_ADC_request" will contain the attributes for reading and updating the shadow, this will consequently cause the change in delta shadow so our LPC55S69 will read the ADC pin. In addition, the utterances sent to the Alexa skill as well as how we want Alexa to respond will also be defined here.  As you may observe our function builds the JSON payload to update the shadow with a "1" when it is called and ignores the led and accelerometer values. We delay for 2.5 seconds to allow the LPC to read and write the ADC value in the necessary field and send the updated shadow. Then the Lambda will read the shadow and create the return message.  With this we construct the answer for Alexa. MODIFYING ALEXA SKILLS 1.  First create a custom 'intent'. Here is the general definition of what the utterances will be to request an action from the AWS Thing.    1.1 The name needs to match the name used for the event in the Lambda. In this example it is ADC_INTENT 2. Before we create the utterances, let's create the slot types. This is the list of all the words possible that may come to mind that a user might say to request a reading from the ADC.  2.1 The name of the slot type is not crucial, however please note it as we will need it later.  2.2 Add slot values. You can add as many as you think are necessary. For recommendations on custom slot values please check, best practices for sample utterances. 2.3 Go back to the general view of the ADC_INTENT, scroll down and we will add how the slot will be included in the utterances. In this example I use adc_name, however the name here is also not crucial. Select the slot type list we created earlier. 2.4 Now scroll back up and lets begin adding the sample utterances. This can be any command that you believe a user can say to invoke this action. You do not need to include the wake word here. In brackets add the name of your intent slot, in this case it is {adc_name}. That's it! You can save and rebuild the model. You are now ready to test it. You can do so through the 'Test' tab on the developer's console. In addition if you have an Alexa device or the SLN-ALEXA-IOT, you can test it by speaking with Alexa directly. In your LPCXpresso55S69 you can connect the 3.3V or the 0V to the ADC pin so you can see how the value is returned every request. 
This article is about how to use MCUXpresso Config Tool to create a USB project from start. The method is the same to all MCUXpresso Config Tool supported MCUs Demo: Creating USB composite HID mouse + keyboard project. Prequisities: LPCXpresso55S69-EVK MCUXPresso IDE 11.1.1 SDK package for LPCXpresso55S69 ,SDK_2.7.1_LPCXpresso55S69. The SDK has to be imported into MCUXPresso IDE (in Installed SDKs). Step by step guide is attached. Enjoy it :-).
I updated the design for the Mini-Monkey and used PCB:NG for fabrication.
This article mainly introduces how to config CTIMER match 3 trigger ADC in LPC804, includes how to config related registers, and the code under SDK. Other LPC serials, also can refer to this DOC. 1.How To Configure ADC Part. 2.How to Configure CTIMER Part 3.Project Basic Information 4.Reference   Project is attached, it base on MCUXpresso IDE v11.1.1,  LPCXpresso804 board.  
The documentation is only valid for the LPC55xx and LPC55Sxx families. In power down mode, some of peripherals for LPC55xx are power off, which means that the peripherals lose it’s power in power-down mode, so it is required to reinitialize the peripherals after waking-up from  power down mode. The DOC lists the peripherals which lose power in power down mode and are required to initialize, introduces the procedure to enter the power down mode, and  the procedure to reinitialize the peripherals after waking-up from power down mode. The doc is attached and power scheme is also attached.
This article introduces how to create a custom board MCUXpresso SDK and how to use it, mainly includes three parts: Part1: Generating a Board Support Configuration (.mex) Part2: Create a Custom Board SDK Using the Board SDK Wizard Part3. Using the Custom SDK to Create a New Project   Requirements: MCUXpresso IDE v11.1.1, MCUXpresso SDK for LPC845, LPC845-BRK board. This method works for all NXP mcu which support by MCUXpresso SDK. About detail steps, please refer to attachment. Thanks!
NXP’s Arm® Cortex®-M33 based LPC551x MCU Family Enhanced Security & Performance Efficiency
Unboxing of the Mini-Monkey.    This was a demonstration of how you can use a low cost 2-layer PCB process with the LP55S69 in the 0.5mm pitch VFBGA98 package.    We used Macrofab for the prototypes and the results were fabulous. Blog articles on the Mini-Monkey: https://community.nxp.com/community/general-purpose-mcus/lpc/blog/2020/03/13/mini-monkey-part-1-how-to-design-with-the-lpc55s69-in-the-vfbga98-package https://community.nxp.com/community/general-purpose-mcus/lpc/blog/2020/03/29/mini-monkey-part-2-using-mcuxpresso-to-accelerate-the-pcb-design-process https://community.nxp.com/community/general-purpose-mcus/lpc/blog/2020/04/19/lpc55s69-mini-monkey-build-update-off-to-fabrication
Unboxing video of the low cost OKDO E1 board.    As a quick demo, I hooked up the E1 to a low cost  240x240 Pixel IPS display from buydisplay.com.
The Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) 2020 IoT Index recently highlighted that 2020 will be the year when the Internet of Things (IoT) officially moves from “proof of concept” to “mass deployment”, with over half of all companies surveyed now undergoing early or extensive deployment of internal or external IoT networks. Read more >> NXP and Arm Pelion Device Management Secure Deployment of IoT Devices from Chip to Cloud | Pelion IoT Blog 
When we use LPC55Sxx PRINCE feature, we need enable PRINCE sub-region “crypto” by setting SR_ENABLE register. If we “crypto” enable discontinuous sub-regions and erase part of them, we may find we can’t erase/read/write other “crypto” sub-regions any more. This article will discuss how to resolve this phenomenon.           Figure 1         Testing Steps According to LPC55Sxx UM, each PRINCE region has its SR_ENABLEx register. This register enables PRINCE encryption and decryption of data for each sub-region of crypto region 0. Each bit in this field enables a sub-region of crypto region 0 at offset 8kB*n, where n is the bit number.  For example, when we set SR_ENABLE0=0X00000005, PRINCE region 0 sub-region 1 and sub-region 3 are set as encryption region. When read data out from these sub-regions, PRINCE will decrypt the data automatically.   Now we will test discontinuous sub-region erase/read/write. Board: LPC55S16-EVK IDE: Keil MDK v5.29 Step 1: PRINCE initialization: Enable PRINCE region 0 and two discontinuous sub-regions; generate key, IV code; enable crypto. //set SR_ENABLE,SR_ENABLE=0X28000000,enable sub-regions(0x30000-0x32000,0x34000-0x36000) crypto。 status=PRINCE_SetRegionSREnable(PRINCE(prince_region_t)region0,0X28000000); //select PRINCE crypto for region0 PRINCE_SetRegionBaseAddress(PRINCE_Type*base,prince_region_tregion0,uint32_t0X0) //generate PRINCE region0 crypto key Status=FFR_KeystoreGetKC(&flashInstance,&keyCode[0],kFFR_KeyTypePrinceRegion0); status=PUF_GetHwKey(PUF,keyCode,sizeof(keyCode),kPUF_KeySlot2, rand()); //generate PRINCE region0 crypto IV_code status=PRINCE_GenNewIV(kPRINCE_Region0,&prince_iv_code[0],true,&flashInstance) //load IV code to PRINCE status=PRINCE_LoadIV(kPRINCE_Region0,&prince_iv_code[0]) //enable PRINCE encryption PRINCE_EncryptEnable(PRINCE)   Step 2: Select two discontinuous sub-regions ( 0x30000-0x32000,0x34000-0x36000). Erase one of them (0x30000-0x32000), then write data to this sub-region. Output: Erasing and Writing are all successful. See Figure 2. //Erase 0x30000-0x32000 sub-region status=PRINCE_FlashEraseWithChecker(&flashInstance,0x30000,0x2000,kFLASH_ApiEraseKey); //Write 0x30000-0x32000 sub-region status=PRINCE_FlashProgramWithChecker(&flashInstance,0x30000,(uint8_t *)prince_iv_code,0x2000);   Step 3: Erase and Write the other sub-region ( 0x34000-0x36000 ) Output: Erasing and Writing are failed. See Figure 2. //Erasing 0x34000-0x36000 sub-region status=PRINCE_FlashEraseWithChecker(&flashInstance,0x34000, 0x2000,kFLASH_ApiEraseKey); //Write 0x34000-0x36000 sub-region status=PRINCE_FlashProgramWithChecker(&flashInstance,0x34000, (uint8_t *)prince_iv_code,0x2000); Error Analysis According to UM11126(49.16.1 Functional details), each crypto region has its own SKEY and IV code. SKEY and IV are used together by the PRINCE when encrypting or decrypting the data in the sub-regions of crypto region. For Instance, For PRINCE region1, each time after we execute erasing operation, new Skey1 and IV1 are generated, thus when executing erase/read/write operation to another sub-region, the old IV1 and new IV1 don’t match, which causes PRINCE can’t decrypt correctly.   Suggestion We suggest user using SR_ENABLE to set continuous crypto sub-regions. When erasing operation is needed, erasing all the crypto sub-regions together, avoid erasing part of the sub-regions. One sub-region size is 8K, make sure the erasing/writing address 8K aligned.   Thanks for the suggestion from johnwu‌
Abstract This paper discusses our approach to crypto acceleration and asset protection using novel techniques that help bring high levels of security to low-cost microcontrollers with minimal power and area penalty. CASPER, our asymmetric cryptography acceleration engine, aims to optimize crypto algorithm execution (e.g., RSA, ECC). It is built on a hardware-software partitioning scheme where software functions map asymmetric crypto functions to the hardware modules of the accelerator, delivering sufficient flexibility to software routines to enable mapping of new algorithms. Further efficiency is achieved by making use of the co-processor interface on the Arm® Cortex®-M33 core. Important assets such as keys, proprietary and/or licensed application software are protected against side-channel analysis or cloning using SRAM PUF and PRINCE. SRAM PUF technology enables secure storage of root-of-trust keys and user keys by exploiting the deep sub-micron process technology variations. PRINCE is a low-latency lightweight cryptography algorithm implementation in hardware that allows encrypted non-volatile storage and real-time, latency-free decryption of the execution code. Read More >
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When you are the first time to debug LPC55S69, please read below document and double check your IDE, SDK and EVK version is correct. Usually, we prefer use the latest IDE, SDK and EVK boards. Important updates when using LPCXpresso55S69 Revision A2 boards and 1B silicon  [Problem Description] When you use IAR 8.32 to debug LPC55S69 '1B' silicon, the IDE will remind you "The debugging session could not be started", like below picture show: The reason of this failure is that IAR 8.32's LPC55S69 chip configuration files only support revision '0A' silicon, not '1B'. We strongly recommend customer download and use IAR 8.40.2 or latest version. The IAR IDE start support LPC55S68 '1B' silicon from 8.40.2. [Solution] If you have some reasons that must use IAR 8.32, you can download attached zip file. This zip file like a patch, include the IAR LPC55S69 '1B' support files. Un-zip this file and merge the same files under IAR installed path :IAR\arm\config\flashloader\NXP Then the IAR can support '1B' silicons. [How to identify LPC55(S)6x chip silicon versions] On the top-side marking code, there is '1B'  charactors at the end of mark strings. See below two pictures, the left one is '1B' version chips.                      LPC55(S)6x ver '1B'                                                               LPC55(S)6x ver '0A'                   