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Kinetis Software Development Kit Knowledge Base



This document will cover some of the most commonly asked questions about Kinetis Software Development Kit (Kinetis SDK). Anything requiring more in-depth discussion/explanation will be put in a separate thread. All new questions should go into their own thread as well. The variable KSDK_PATH is mentioned in several answers. This is the path into which Kinetis SDK was installed. With the current 1.2 release of Kinetis SDK, this would be equivalent to C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.2.0     What is the Kinetis Software Development Kit? Kinetis SDK is a free software framework that was created to make it easier for developers to create applications for Freescale’s line of Kinetis microcontrollers. It ensures there’s a common and thoroughly tested software framework for Kinetis devices that you can then use to build your application on top of. Let Kinetis SDK provide the basic startup code and drivers, so that you can spend more time creating your specific application code.   The two most significant features of Kinetis SDK are: Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) – A common API used to abstract hardware accesses into functional accesses Peripheral Drivers – High-level drivers that make use of the HAL API to implement higher level functionality for common peripheral use cases.   Additionally there are several other features: System Services – Code for utilizing specific Kinetis features which includes a clock manager, low-power manager, hardware timer, and interrupt manager ARM CMSIS Core and DSP standard libraries CMSIS compliant register header files Sample code for accessing accelerometers and audio codecs on Freescale evaluation boards Stacks and middleware for USB, Ethernet, and filesystems. Many examples and demo code to showcase how to use Kinetis SDK   This sounds great! Where can I download it and find more documentation and information?   How do I get started using Kinetis SDK? First read the Kinetis SDK 1.2 release notes to learn about the software. You will also want to check to make sure your Kinetis device is supported by Kinetis SDK. If you don't see your device in the KSDK 1.2 release notes, check to see if one of the stand-alone releases available includes it.   Once you’ve selected the appropriate installer for your device, either the mainline or one of the stand-alone releases, install it on your computer. The default path for the mainline Kinetis SDK 1.2 is C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.2.0 You will also need to install one of the compilers that Kinetis SDK supports. Kinetis Design Studio 3.0 IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM 7.40.2 MDK-ARM Microcontroller Development Kit (Keil) 5.14 ARM GCC 4.8.3 Atollic TrueSTUDIO for ARM 5.3 If you are not sure, we recommend starting with Kinetis Design Studio since it is free and also runs on Linux.   Then read the Getting Started with Kinetis SDK (KSDK) v1.2.pdf document. It can also be found in <KSDK_PATH>/doc. It will have details about Kinetis SDK and there will be a section for getting up and going with your particular IDE to run the hello_world demo application. Note that you will need to compile the Kinetis SDK platform library first before you can compile the demos.   You can then run one of the other demo applications included with Kinetis SDK to see examples of how to use the HAL and Driver APIs.   If you are using Kinetis Design Studio, also make sure to follow the directions in Appendix A of this document to update Kinetis Design Studio to work with Kinetis SDK:   How do I run the demo projects that are included with Kinetis SDK? First read the Getting Started with Kinetis SDK (KSDK) v1.2.pdf document. You will need to import and compile the KSDK platform library, and then import and compile the particular demo project.   Where can I find specific instructions on a particular demo? For details on a specific demo, including any board jumper settings and to check if the demo will run on your particular board, refer to the Kinetis SDK v1.2 Demo Applications User's Guide.pdf found in the <KSDK_PATH>/doc folder.   How does Kinetis SDK fit in with other Freescale enablement? Kinetis SDK is a key component going forward in all Freescale Kinetis enablement. It replaces the bare-metal sample code examples. Freescale’s MQX RTOS will now use KSDK drivers for supported devices, instead of the classic MQX-specific drivers. And it will use the KSDK startup and board support code.   Processor Expert, a GUI tool for software configuration and code generation, now uses the KSDK HAL and Drivers to implement its code for KSDK supported devices. And the mbed platform also uses Kinetis SDK underneath for devices supported by Kinetis SDK.   Kinetis SDK Details:   What exactly am I getting when I download and install Kinetis SDK? The default installation path for KSDK 1.2 is at C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.2.0   Inside that directory, you’ll find the full source code for the various KSDK components (HAL, drivers, system services, header files, etc) as well as demos, documentation, and higher level stacks like our USB stack, lwIP, FatFS, and various RTOS kernels.   Some of the key directories are: examples – SDK examples and demos doc - Documentation lib – SDK libraries projects, and where the compiled library .a files are generated platform – SDK driver and HAL source code, linker files, and startup code   Section 5 of the Kinetis SDK v1.2 release notes lists the different components and where they are located in the Kinetis SDK directory structure.   What Kinetis devices/boards are supported by Kinetis SDK? In KSDK 1.2, the following boards are supported: FRDM-K22F FRDM-K64F FRDM-KL02Z FRDM-KL03Z FRDM-KL27Z FRDM-KL43Z FRDM-KL25Z FRDM-KL26Z FRDM-KL46Z FRDM-KW24 MRB-KW019032xx TWR-K21D50M TWR-K21F120M TWR-K22F120M TWR-K24F120M TWR-K60D100M TWR-K64F120M TWR-K65F180M TWR-KL43Z48M TWR-KV10Z75M TWR-KV31F120M TWR-KV46F150M TWR-KW24D512 USB-KW24D512   Kinetis SDK also supports many of the subfamiles that these boards support. So for instance, if you're interested in the K02 device, use the FRDM-K22F for evaluation but use the K02 libraries provided to write code which will run on the K22F since it is a superset device. The subset devices supported are all listed in the Release Notes.   The KSDK 1.2 release can be found at   Which version of Kinetis SDK do I install? I see that there are Mainline and Standalone Releases. What's the difference? If the device you are interested in is listed in the previous question, download the Mainline release appropriate for your computer (Windows/Linux/Mac).   If your device is listed as a Standalone install, you just need to use that Standalone installer. These are releases for new devices that did not make into KSDK 1.2 but will be rolled into later releases. Note that installing "Kinetis SDK Mainline 1.2" is not a pre-requisite as these truly are 'standalone' releases and include all the standard KSDK features and code: KL33Z for the FRDM-KL43Z   These standalone releases can be found under the Downloads tab on the KSDK website. You may need to select "All Downloads" to see them.   How do I determine if my particular Kinetis device is supported by Kinetis SDK and which board it is associated with? Section 4, “Supported Development Systems”, of the Kinetis SDK release notes lists the specific Kinetis devices that are supported by that release of Kinetis SDK. The table can also be used to determine which evaluation board is associated with your particular Kinetis device. Each of the stand-alone releases will also have their own table like this in their release notes.   When will device XYZ be supported by KSDK? Most new Kinetis devices will launch with Kinetis SDK support. Support for some older Kinetis devices will be added over time in new releases. Those older devices selected for porting will be announced on the Community once a release date is confirmed. In the meantime, use the bare-metal sample code and MQX support already available for those legacy devices.   I don’t see my device in either the Kinetis SDK 1.2 release or the stand-alone releases. Can I just port Kinetis SDK to my device? There are several key components that would be missing to do a port to a different family, like header files and start up files, and thus it is discouraged and is not supported by Freescale. Support for some older Kinetis devices is being added in future releases, and most Kinetis devices released in the future will have Kinetis SDK support at launch.   What compilers are supported by Kinetis SDK? In Kinetis SDK 1.2 the following compilers are supported: Kinetis Design Studio 3.0 IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM 7.40.2 MDK-ARM Microcontroller Development Kit (Keil) 5.14 ARM GCC 4.8.3 Atollic TrueSTUDIO for ARM 5.3   Kinetis Design Studio and ARM GCC are code sized unlimited and will also run on Linux. If you do not already have a preferred compiler, we recommend starting with Kinetis Design Studio.   What exactly is the HAL? The Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) creates an abstraction layer for hardware accesses.  For example, instead of digging into a reference manual to figure out which bit in which register bit is used to enable the UART transmit feature, you can just call UART_HAL_EnableTransmitter(…). The HAL is stateless and is intended to cover the entire hardware functionality.   Where is the source code for the HAL? You can find the source for the HAL at <KSDK_PATH>\platform\hal.   For a good example of how the HAL is implemented, look at the <KSDK_PATH>\platform\hal\src\dspi\fsl_dspi_hal.c and <KSDK_PATH>\platform\hal\inc\fsl_dspi_hal.h files. Notice how most of the HAL API is just macros for accessing the SPI registers, or else simple functions for calculating the baud rate and other simple features like that.   Is there a library for the HAL that I can pull into my project? There is a device and compiler specific library available that you can pull into your own custom project at <KSDK_PATH>\lib\ksdk_hal_lib.   You will need to compile the library first as KSDK does not come with pre-compiled libraries.   What are the peripheral drivers? The peripheral drivers are built on top of the HAL to provide a set of easy-to-use interfaces to handle high-level data and stateful transactions. They cover the most common use-cases, but may need to be optimized for your particular application.   Where is the source code for the drivers? You can find the source for the KSDK drivers at <KSDK_PATH>\platform\drivers.   For a good example, take a look at <KSDK_PATH>\platform\drivers\src\dspi\fsl_dspi_master_driver.c. You can see how the driver API is implemented by making calls to the HAL API and using structures defined by the SPI driver.   Is there a library I can pull into my project to use the drivers? The KSDK Platform library contains both the drivers and the HAL. This is the library most of the KSDK demo projects pull in. Device and compiler specific project files for this library can be found at <KSDK_PATH>\lib\ksdk_platform_lib   You will need to compile the library first as KSDK does not come with pre-compiled libraries.   Where are the HAL and Driver APIs documented? The Kinetis SDK API Reference Manual describes all the HAL and Driver APIs, and it can be found in the <KSDK_PATH>/doc folder.   How do I create my own Kinetis SDK application? The easiest way is to copy an already existing project. However if you are using Kinetis Design Studio, you can also create one from scratch using the New Project Wizard.   To copy an already existing demo project, see this thread: Create new KSDK Projects   To create a totally new project with Kinetis Design Studio, see this thread: Writing my first KSDK Application in KDS - Hello World and GPIO Interrupt   To create a MQX project that works with Kinetis SDK, see this thread: How To: Create a New MQX RTOS for KSDK Project in KDS   A full featured KSDK project creation tool is under development and should be released in Q2 2015.   Where can I find information on the Kinetis SDK low power manager? See this thread: Low Power Application Using the SDK (Note: The demo was created for KSDK 1.0)   What changed between KSDK 1.0 and KSDK 1.1? See this thread: KSDK 1.1 Release   What changed between KSDK 1.1 and KSDK 1.2? See this thread: New KSDK 1.2. is available!   Can I install a new version, or standalone version, of KSDK without it affecting my already existing version? Yes. Each new release of KSDK, including standalone releases, will be installed into a unique directory. The only thing to be aware of is the (optional) update the global Windows KSDK_PATH variable used by Kinetis Design Studio. See Appendix B of this document: Writing my first KSDK Application in KDS - Hello World and GPIO Interrupt   Do I need to recompile the platform library every time I change my demo application? After the initial compilation, you will only need to recompile the platform library for your device if you change something in the HAL, Drivers, or other source code that makes up the platform library. The platform project is included as part of the workspace when opening up a demo as a convenience for that initial compile. If you only change the code for the demo application, you do not have to recompile the platform library every time.   Is there training available for Kinetis SDK? There are some presentations at the Designing with Freescale event webpage:   Also make sure to read through the Kinetis SDK 1.2 Release Notes as there is a lot of very useful information in there as you get started using Kinetis SDK.   Many more app notes and community posts are being created to further showcase how to use Kinetis SDK.   RTOS:   Does Kinetis SDK supports RTOSs? Yes. Several different RTOS kernels can be ran on top of Kinetis SDK. This was done to solve the biggest trouble of porting a particular RTOS to a new device, in that new drivers and startup code needs to be developed. Kinetis SDK provides that solution, so that the RTOS kernel features can sit on top of Kinetis SDK.   What RTOS kernels are supported with Kinetis SDK? Freescale MQX FreeRTOS Micrium uCOSII Micrium uCOSIII   How do I get these RTOSs with Kinetis SDK? Starting with Kinetis SDK 1.2, all the RTOSs are included by default with the installation.   If using Kinetis SDK 1.1, during installation process, there will be a screen asking if you would like to install 'Kinetis SDK Basic', 'KSDK+MQX', or 'KSDK+RTOS Kernels'. If you are only interested in MQX, use the middle option. If you are interested in other RTOS kernels (including MQX) select the last option which will take you to a new screen to select which RTOSes you are interested in.   If using Kinetis SDK 1.0, you must select the "Custom" option during installation to select a RTOS kernel.   Why don’t I have an <KSDK_PATH>/rtos folder? Where are the RTOS kernels at? See the above answer. You will need to run the KSDK installer again, select to modify the installation, and this time select an RTOS install option.   What else do I get when selecting the MQX RTOS option? When selecting the MQX RTOS option, the MQX RTCS Ethernet stack and MQX MFS Filesystem stack will be installed as well. These are more fully featured stacks than the 'lwIP' and 'FatFS' stacks provided by default with Kinetis SDK. These RTCS and MFS stacks require MQX to run, and full source code is provided.   What is the difference between MQX for KSDK and 'classic' MQX 4.2? MQX for KSDK is the future of MQX, and it was developed to leverage Kinetis SDK features like startup code and drivers. The biggest difference is the drivers, as MQX for KSDK uses the KSDK drivers which are significantly different than the classic MQX drivers. The startup code is also different as MQX for KSDK relies on the KSDK startup files. However the kernel API and how to you start and manipulate tasks, semaphores, events, etc, are the same between the two versions.   A full porting guide between classic MQX and MQX for KSDK is now available.   How can I learn how to create a new MQX for KSDK project for Kinetis Design Studio? A tutorial can be found here   Where can I find more information on MQX for KSDK? Beta version of MQX RTOS for Kinetis SDK - Now Available MQX with KSDK and Processor Expert   What is the OSA? The Operating System Abstraction (OSA) layer is an optional feature that allows a user application to use the same API regardless of which RTOS is being used. This can be used to make code more portable. An example of this can be found in the <KSDK_PATH>/demos/i2c_rtos demo, which uses almost the exact same source code to do a demo using I2C communication when using baremetal, MQX, FreeRTOS,  uCOSII, or uCOSIII.   Do I have to use the OSA? No, it is optional. You can always call the particular RTOS API directly. For example, if you were using the MQX kernel, you have the option to call either the OSA API call for a time delay (OSA_TimeDelay) or the MQX API call (_time_delay).   You can see how the OSA layer implements the OSA_TimeDelay() function for MQX by opening the file <KSDK_PATH>\platform\osa\src\fsl_os_abstraction_mqx.c, and on line 662 you’ll see that all the OSA is doing is calling MQX’s own _time_delay() API.   Note that some drivers make use of the bare-metal OSA implementation for certain functionality (like delays or semaphores).   USB:   What USB stack is included with Kinetis SDK? The USB stack is developed by Freescale and is a continuation of the 5.0 Beta bare-metal stack. The stack in Kinetis SDK has more features, and Kinetis SDK is where USB development work will be focused in the future.   You may also see it referenced as the “Unified USB stack” since this same USB stack is used by both bare-metal KSDK and by MQX for KSDK. This makes it simpler to add RTOS support to an already existing USB application.   What classes does the Kinetis SDK USB stack support? It supports Audio, CDC, HID, MSD, and PHDC classes in both Host and Device modes. Some composite class support is also provided.   How do I compile a USB demo? There are two libraries that need to be compiled before a USB demo will compile properly. Host or Device USB Library at <KSDK_PATH>\usb\usb_core\<host or device>\build\<compiler>\<board>\ KSDK Platform library at <KSDK_PATH>\lib\ksdk_platform_lib\   Then one of the USB demos can be compiled at <KSDK_PATH>\usb\example\<host or device>\<class>\<example project>   Troubleshooting:   I’m seeing an error about missing a missing ksdk_platform_lib.a or libksdk_platform.a file when I try to compile a demo There are two common cases where this happens:   1) You must first compile the KSDK platform library for your device. The project files for the library are found in <KSDK_PATH>/lib/ksdk_platform_lib/<compiler>/<device>/   2) Make sure the KSDK platform library you compiled is for the same target (Debug or Release) as the demo you are trying to compile. The Debug target has no optimization. The Release target uses full optimization.   Why is the “Kinetis SDK” checkbox unavailable when creating a new project in Kinetis Design Studio using the ‘Kinetis Design Studio Project’ Wizard? This checkbox is only selectable if the device you selected on the previous screen is supported by Kinetis SDK.   Also make sure to follow the directions in Appendix A of this document to update Kinetis Design Studio to work with Kinetis SDK. You will need to update KDS with the KSDK 1.2 file to get the boards supported by KSDK 1.2 in the project wizard: Writing my first KSDK Application in KDS - Hello World and GPIO Interrupt   I’m trying to use a driver and keep falling into the default ISR in startup_<mcu>.s Make sure to include an interrupt handler for the peripheral you’re using inside your project. By default, all the peripheral IRQ handlers go into a default handler that does an infinite branch. The easiest way to fix this issue is to add the C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.2.0\platform\drivers\src\<drivername>\fsl_<drivername>_irq.c file inside your project.   How do I change the default interrupt priority for a driver? Use the CMSIS NVIC_SetPriority function.  As an example from the i2c_rtos demo: NVIC_SetPriority(I2C0_IRQn, 6U);   I’m using a FRDM-KL03 and none of the KDS projects work Due to the small RAM size of the KL03, the default toolchain in Kinetis Design Studio needs to be swapped out for the ARM GCC toolchain. Instructions are in the appendix of the “Kinetis SDK Freescale Freedom FRDM-KL03Z Platform User’s Guide.pdf” found in the KSDK KL03 installation inside the /doc folder.   I'm using IAR and I get the following error when I try to compile: Fatal Error[LMS001]: License Check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem. Found no license for ARM EW.MISRAC[LicenceCheck:,RMS, Feature ARM.EW.MISRAC, Version 1.05]. The specified license feature is needed to enable MISRA-C support. This error occurs because the IAR projects are setup by default to enable MISRA-C checking, as KSDK is MISRA compliant. However the evaluation version of IAR doesn't support MISRA checking. To work-around this issue, right click on the project name that is giving the error, and select "Options...". Then under the "General Options" category, scroll over to the the tab on the far right that says "MISRA-C 2004". Then uncheck the box that says "Enable MISRA_C"   I'm seeing errors when using the SPI driver. What is the difference between the DSPI and SPI drivers? See this thread   The I2C_RTOS demo isn't compiling properly. It says it is missing libksdk_platform_mqx.a (or some other library). What libraries do I need to compile for the I2C RTOS demo? See this thread   I don't see any terminal output when using the power_manager_demo demo. You need to adjust the baud rate of the terminal to 9600 due to some clock speed limitations necessary for this demo. See the \doc\Kinetis SDK v.1.2 Demo Applications User's Guide.pdf for more details.   I don't see any terminal output when using some of the FRDM-KL03 demos. The following KL03 demos use a baud rate of 9600 due to some clock speed limitations necessary for those particular demos: flash_demo lptmr_demo power_manager_demo rtc_func See the \doc\Kinetis SDK v.1.2 Demo Applications User's Guide.pdf for more details.   I’m seeing odd compile errors in Kinetis SDK, what could be going on? If using KSDK 1.0 or KSDK 1.1, double check that the KSDK_PATH environment variable in Windows is pointing to the current installation of Kinetis SDK you’re trying to use. KSDK 1.2 does not make use of this environmental variable anymore. For details see Appendix B of this document Writing my first KSDK Application in KDS - Hello World and GPIO Interrupt   Where can I find a document of known issues? Known issues can be found in the Kinetis SDK 1.2 Release Notes.   Additional issues found after the Kinetis SDK release can be found in the Kinetis SDK Software Errata document, if one is needed, on the “Documents” tab of the KSDK webpage.   Updated Jun-2015 for KSDK 1.2 Release.
Hello Kinetis users!   I thought this would be the best place to share this code.  Attached is an example of how to use the power manager in the 1.0.0 release of the Kinetis SDK.  It is essentially the legacy low power demo ported to the SDK.  Now, the SDK doesn't provide functions to de-initialize the pins so some of it is a little messy, but it should still help to show you how to use the power manager and how to get in and out of low power modes.    The supported platforms are:   FRDM-K22F FRDM-K64F TWR-K22F120M TWR-K64F120M TWR-KV31F120M   To install the demo, simply unzip the file to the "demos" folder of your SDK installation.  All of the links in the demo are relative so you shouldn't have any trouble.  However, if you do experience any issues, please let me know so that I can correct the issues.    To run the demo, simply build and download the application (a guide of how to do this is provided in the device specific User's Guide in your SDK installation).  Then perform a power-on reset (you always want to do that when working with low power applications) and connect a terminal utility with the following settings:   - 19200 baud rate - 8 data bits - No parity - 1 stop bit - No flow control   Then follow the on-screen instructions.    As a reminder to those wishing to understand low power operations and the Kinetis devices a little more, we do have an Application Note out there to help explain low power operations:  AN4503 Power Management for Kinetis and ColdFire+ MCUs.  This Application Note is in the process of being updated with Kinetis SDK information and is scheduled to be re-published sometime this year.    Enjoy! Chris
Hi everybody,   You can find the new version of this document using KDS2.0 and KSDK1.1.0 is in the following link: Writing my first KSDK1.2 Application in KDS3.0 - Hello World and Toggle LED with GPIO Interrupt   Best regards, Carlos Technical Support Engineer
At the moment the best way to create a new KSDK example project is copying one of the existing projects in the /demos folder and renaming all the files and text to the new name. I've created a simple script that does all the work for you.   To run, just place the .exe or Perl script in the C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.0.0\demos folder and run. By default it'll copy the "hello_world" project to a new directory, and change all the "hello_world" text and files names to your new project name. Pretty straight forward, but much easier and less prone to error than doing it by hand. I've attached both the Perl source and a .exe created from that perl script. There is a command line option to specify the project to be copied, but by default it uses the hello_world one.   Hope you find it useful!
Hello Kinetis world! Kinetis SDK is here to stay and with it there are good opportunities ahead, such as coding flexibility, portability, RTOS enablement, projects scalability and more. Right now this is a brand new solution introduced by Freescale, so a lot of tutorials, How-To's and demo codes are coming, in addition to those already in the KSDK installation. I wanted to share an example project developed with KSDK v1.0.0 and KDS v1.1.1, which uses a simple driver to communicate to an I2C EEPROM memory using a FRDM-K64F board. The driver is focused and was tested with a 256 Kbit memory (24xx256), but it should be compatible with the 64Kbit, 128 Kbit, 256 Kbit and 512 Kbit versions. This demo project demonstrates how to use the APIs of the KSDK I2C Master Driver. The connections are as next: Please notice this is not intended to be a robust driver for I2C EEPROMs. Instead consider it a basic demo code, but with time we could improve it. The attached pdf is an overview/explanation of the example, while the zip folder contains the project for Kinetis Design Studio v1.1.1. :smileyalert: Before the project can be successfully compiled, you need to have installed KSDK v1.0.0 ( and have the FRDM-K64F platform library already built. For instructions on how to build the platform library you can refer to Appendix A of the next document in KSDK installation folder: C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.0.0\doc\Kinetis SDK K64 User's Guide.pdf :smileyinfo: NOTE: Disregard IAR and Keil instructions and refer to KDS part. Importing and compiling the example project with KDS      1) Unzip the package. It is recommended to place it into your KDS workspace, but it can be located at any place.      2) From KDS go to File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace.      3) Check "Select root directory" and click on "Browse" to search for the location of the unzipped folder. Then click OK.      4) Mark the check box for "I2C_EEPROM_K64" and click on "Finish".      5) Go to Project -> Build Project or simply click on the hammer icon. Build process should finish with no errors. The project provides a default Debug Configuration to use with the Segger J-Link emulator firmware v2.0 installed in the FRDM-K64F. If you wish to use a different connection please refer to the next link: I hope you like this demo. Many thanks and credits to abigailinzunza, for her valuable help developing this project. Regards! Jorge Gonzalez
This document provides the guidelines to create a toggle LED application in the FRDM-K64F by using the KDS 1.1.0 + KSDK 1.0.0 and Non Processor Expert usage. This is helpful to understand how to create a project for KDS that uses the KSDK.   This document is assuming that KDS 1.1.0 and KSDK 1.0.0 are installed under a Windows OS system.   After the installation of KDS the environment variable “KSDK_PATH” must be defined. Under “System Properties” go to “Environment Variables…” located in the “Advance” tab. Add the new variable under “User variables…”. The name should be “KSDK_PATH”. The path is the same where by default the KSDK is installed. In this case the path is “C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.0.0”. The KSDK patch must be installed before to proceed with any project creation. To do this click in “Help” menu and then “Install New Software…“ option. Click in the “Add…” button and then “Archive” button. Look for the file “C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.0.0\tools\eclipse_update\” and click “Ok” button. Select the “Eclipse Update for KSDK 1.0.0-GA” option from the options and then press the “Next” button. Next step is to create a new KDS project. Go to “File>New>Kinetis Design Studio Project” option Then give a name; easy one, to remember what it does. Then press “Next” Chose the board to be used. In this case we are using the FRDM-K64F. Now press “Next”. Check the "Kinetis SDK" check box. Make sure that "Processor Expert" is not checked. Project is now created and it is ready to include the source code.   All the KSDK examples include the "board" folder. It is necessary to do the same for this new project. To add it just right click in the project just created and chose "Import". Select "File System". Look for the board folder in the following path: C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.0.0\boards\   Chose the C and H files only from the "frdmk64f120m" folder. Just like this: Then the folder "frdmk64f120m" is added to the project structure. Following is to add the KSDK library in the compiler. To add it you need to give a right click in the project and click in "Properties". Under "C/C++ Build" menu go to "Settings". Then click in "Miscellaneous" under "Cross ARM C++ Linker". If you did it correctly then you will see this:      Click in add object button   and add the library here. The default path is "C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.0.0\lib\ksdk_platform_lib\kds\K64F12\Debug\ksdk_platform_lib.a". Now, let’s toggle an LED. It is necessary to include the boards.h file: #include "board.h"    A GPIO pins enum needs to be created. We are using the RGB connected to the PORTE, specifically the pin 26 (PTE26). The enum then should look like this: enum _gpio_pins { kGpioLED4  = GPIO_MAKE_PIN(HW_PORTE, 0x1A),//PTE26 }; Make sure you are giving the pin 26 as hexadecimal value. In this case the 26 is 0x1A and that is the value we give as second parameter to the GPIO_MAKE_PIN macro. Add the calling to the function hardware_init()a just after the variable definition in the main() function. After this, now call the function that is necessary to configure the pin direction: GPIO_DRV_SetPinDir(kGpioLED4, kGpioDigitalOutput);    Finally, to write the desired value to the LED use this function: GPIO_DRV_WritePinOutput(kGpioLED4, value);    The entire should code looks like this: #include "fsl_device_registers.h" #include "board.h"   enum _gpio_pins { kGpioLED4  = GPIO_MAKE_PIN(HW_PORTE, 0x1A),//PTE26 };   static int i = 0;   int main(void) { short value = 1;    /* Write your code here */ hardware_init();   GPIO_DRV_SetPinDir(kGpioLED4, kGpioDigitalOutput);   /* This for loop should be replaced. By default this loop allows a single stepping. */ for (;;) {   for (i = 0; i<0xFFFFFF; i++) { }   value = value^1; GPIO_DRV_WritePinOutput(kGpioLED4, value);   } /* Never leave main */ return 0; }   Compile and ready to test. See the green LED blinking in the FRDM-K64F board.
Kinetis SDK is a new complimentary software offering from Freescale for Kinetis microcontrollers. The Kinetis software development kit (SDK) provides an extensive suite of robust peripheral drivers, stacks, middleware and example applications designed to simplify and accelerate application development on Kinetis MCUs. The addition of Processor Expert technology for software and board support configuration provides unmatched ease of use and flexibility. The Kinetis SDK includes full source code under a permissive open-source license for all hardware abstraction and peripheral driver software.   Kinetis SDK can be downloaded from the following location:   This document goes over the basics of starting with Kinetis SDK and common troubleshooting tips.   Getting Started with Kinetis SDK and FRDM-K64F The FRDM-K64F is a fully featured Freescale Freedom board with a 120MHz Cortex M4 based Kinetis K64 MCU. The board also features Arduino hardware compatibility, an accelerometer and magnetometer (Freescale’s FXOS8700CQ), and push buttons/LEDs, plus an Ethernet port, microSD port, and OpenSDAv2 for debugging.   First download and install the latest release of Kinetis SDK from   Then select one of the five IDEs that Kinetis SDK supports: Kinetis Design Studio 2.0 IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM 7.20.2 MDK-ARM Microcontroller Development Kit (Keil) 5.11 ARM GCC 4.8.3 Atollic TrueSTUDIO for ARM 5.2 Note that Kinetis Design Studio and ARM GCC are code sized unlimited and will also run on Linux.   Then take a look at the documentation in the /doc folder, in particular the Release Notes and the Getting Started with Kinetis SDK (KSDK) documents. The Release Notes contain an overview of Kinetis SDK, supported devices, details on the directory structure, and known issues.   Also note the basic Kinetis SDK directory structure. More details can be found in the Release Notes: demos – SDK examples and demos boards –board specific files lib – where the compiled SDK libraries reside platform – SDK driver and HAL source code, linker files, and startup code     Since all the examples are in the demos folder, check out the “hello_world” project at \demos\hello_world\<ide>\frdmk64f\hello_world.eww of it for a simple hello world type app. Use the Getting Started with KSDK Guide for details on how to compile and run the demo for your particular IDE.   Also check out the Kinetis SDK FAQ for information on other boards supported by Kinetis SDK, MQX RTOS and other RTOS support, USB support with KSDK, and much much more.   Debugging Kinetis SDK on FRDM-K64F: Typically, debugging is done via the OpenSDAv2 circuit built onto the FRDM-K64F board. Make sure to use the USB connector to the left of the Ethernet port, J26. By default the FRDM-K64F uses the CMSIS-DAP/mbed interface as the debug protocol. However it is also possible to use the P&E Micro or Segger JLink debug interfaces with the board instead.   Debugging with CMSIS-DAP/mbed Interface: The FRDM-K64F board uses the CMSIS-DAP/mbed interface by default as it is using OpenSDAv2. The KSDK 1.1 demo projects should be setup to use the CMSIS-DAP debug interface by default for the FRDM-K64F projects.   Debugging with P&E Micro Interface: To debug using the P&E Micro interface, the P&E Micro OpenSDAv2 app needs to be loaded onto the OpenSDAv2 circuit. Instructions for loading and using this app are in Appendix C of the Getting Started with KSDK Guide. Use the DEBUG_K64F_MBED_PEMICRO_V108.BIN file that came inside the Kinetis SDK zip file. If you want to return to the original CMSIS-DAP/mbed interface, you can find a binary app to drag-and-drop onto the OpenSDAv2 bootloader on the FRDM-K64F mbed page. Firmware FRDM K64F - Handbook | mbed   Troubleshooting: I’m using the CMSIS-DAP/mbed debug interface with IAR, and I can’t connect to my board anymore with an error: “Fatal error: Probe not found. Session aborted!”: There’s an issue as described in the Kinets SDK release notes where the debugger can become non-responsive if the code is allowed to exit the main() function when using the CMSIS-DAP interface with OpenSDAv2.   To recover the board you have a few options: Load the P&E Micro interface app onto OpenSDAv2, and then flash a known good program The board should still enumerate as a mass storage device, and you can drag-and-drop a known good program onto the board. You may have to hit the reset button a few times to get it to properly enumerate though. A known good hello_world program has been attached to this post.   This will be fixed in future versions of the CMSIS-DAP/mbed interface app. In the meantime, make sure to put a while(1) loop in your code before exiting main(). Also check out the blog entry on this issue on MCU on Eclipse   The serial port is not enumerating: If using the default CMSIS-DAP/mbed interface, you must first install the mbed Windows serial port driver before it will enumerate on Windows properly. It should work in Mac OS and Linux without a driver.   When I start debugging, I get an error message that says “Undected. Disconnect/Connect USB cable. Click Refresh List”: The likely problem is that the FRDM-K64F has the default CMSIS-DAP/mbed firmware, and your project is trying to use the P&E Micro or JLink interface. Change the debug interface in your IDE to use CMSIS-DAP. Or else change the firmware in the OpenSDAv2 circuit to the proper firmware as described in Appendix C of the Getting Started with KSDK document.   When compiling the Kinetis SDK platform library in IAR 7.10.x, I the following error messages: Error[Pm056]: all if, else if constructs should contain a final else clause (MISRA C 2004 rule 14.10): This is caused by a MISRA C 2004 rule violation. The beta Kinetis SDK was built using IAR 6.70, but the MISRA C checks were changed when IAR moved to 7.10.x which is why this comes up in IAR 7.10.x.   This error can be fixed by disabling MISRA C checking in the project settings.   Right click on the platform_lib project, and under the General Options category, scroll over (using the arrow keys on the right) to the MISRA-C-2004 tab, and uncheck “Enable MISRA-C”.   When debugging with the P&E Micro OpenSDAv2 app, I get an error that says “Error reading data from OpenSDA hardware. E17925” This is being investigated and seems to affect IAR 7.10.x and CW10, but not earlier versions of IAR. In the meantime, use the CMSIS-DAP/mbed interface app instead.