I'm using KDS 3.2 with KSDK v2 and a Freedom K64F.
My project works with FatFs, LwIP and stack USB class CDC VCOM
Today I transfer small files(<100kB) by ethernet on the SD card ; TCP / IP guarantees file integrity.
I need to transfer the same files from a pc to the freedomK64 SD : What tool or protocol can I use with USB to ensure the integrity of the transferred files? Are the lwip tools (TCP / IP layer) usable for example?
Thank you in advance for your suggestions
Its sounds to me like you need to transfer files from PC to SD card through USB. Then you device should be a USB Mass storage device. So maybe the example usb_device_composite_cdc_msc_sdcard/freertos is meet your demand. You can find it in SDK.
Have I misunderstood what you mean?