Has anybody already done some power consumption evaluation with the TWR-K60N512 demo board?
Without using MQX, power saving does not seem to be easy and there is no basic example we can use for evaluation.
So if someone has some basic sample code to change the power mode it would be appreciated.
Hi Adalgiso
You can find some examples for low power in this link Kinetis family example projects
The folder named PMC contains example code for low power modes on K60
Hi Santiago
How much is the current draw at VLPR, VLPW mode?
You link "Kinetis family example projects" doesn't exist, would you please put it back?
Hello Sam:
Which board do you have, TWR-K60N512 or TWR-K60D100M?
The code package pointed by Santiago was "KINETIS512_SC", and seems that it is not available in the page any more, now there is a new package called "KINETIS512_V2_SC", available at the next link under "Snippets, Boot Code, Headers, Monitors, etc..":
However the majority of projects in that package are compatible with the latest TWR-K60D100M.
Regarding current consumptions, you can refer to the Data Sheets for K60_100 MHz in the Documentation tab of the same page.
Hope this helps!
Hi, Adagiso
We have an application note for Kinetis product. The link is
http://cache.freescale.com/files/microcontrollers/doc/app_note/AN4470.pdf?fsrch=1&WT_TYPE=Applicatio... Notes&WT_VENDOR=FREESCALE&WT_FILE_FORMAT=pdf&WT_ASSET=Documentation&sr=8
You can also find source code after you search AN4470 on www.freescale.com
Hope my reply can help you.
Best Regards
I have seen this application notes, but I need to port it to the TWR-K60N5112 platform, this is not a straight forward task.
So for me I either need to buy a K20 demo kit (same as the one used in the application note) or try to port teh code for my demo platform.
This is not a so easy task, I have to read a lot of documentation and just for selecting my CPU for our next project this is a lot of work.
I was hopping someone would have some code ready for testing on the TWR-K60N512 tower board.
Thanks anyway