when can I download a new release of the
I have the version v2_24.
Best Regards
you have +- latest version 2.24.
Be patient, I hope that we will prepare in Q1 some major update of eGUI and we will released it on the web.
At the moment we were gathering the new work requestes and also bugs reports :smileyhappy:.
Hello Gargy,
thank you for the request.
The most things i need worked well.
I only have a problem with the cursor in the console.
So if the d4d_console.c and .h is ready i would like to test the files.
The problem was because the line count.
(static D4D_CNSL_DATA name##_data = { /*line_cnt - 1*/ 0, {0, 0}, D4D_FALSE, 0, 0}
Best Regards
The problem with cursor is fixed. It will be available in next release. Hope soon.
Thank You,
will you please post here, if the release is available ?
Best Regards
Hi, it will be really soon.
More functionality, less examples. Just one example for Kinetisk60/K70 and one for ColdFire.
Hi Gargy,
when can I use the new release of the eGUI.
You told the bug in the console is fixed.
If the release is not ready, can I change the files d4d_console.c and d4d_console.h in the old version of the eGUI
with your help ?
Best Regards
Any news about new EGUI release?
I know that I promise some time ago that the eGUI will be really soon and there is still nothing. :smileysad:
But at the moment I have finished eGUI itself and I just work on new example and update of documentation, so the time of release is pretty close.
Colleague have to also finish new version of converter utility and we will do final test of external fonts support.
Please be patient and I hope that you will be satisfied with all new features.
what about the new release of eGUI software ?
What new features will be available and when ?
('when' is most important...)
Best regards
at the moment we are finishig the release package of new eGUI 3.00, if you are interested to get the any early release package send me the private message with your email, description of your application with eGUI, and your company.
Best regards
Hi Petr,
I want to use the build-in LCD controller of the K70 and are looking for the new eGUI 3.0.
Can you give the date of release in the meantime, or is it possible to get a pre-release?
Best regards
eGUI Release discussion on the Freescale Community
Actual I'm working with the TWR-K60N510 and I'm looking for a smart solution to support a customer LC-Module (200x80 dots with an UC1618T controller).The communication with the LC-Module shall be done by SPI @ K60
Therefore I would like to evaluate your eGUI 3.0 for an upcomming project using Kinetis K60.
Would you be so kind to send me a pre-release to the following email address?
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards
any news about release date of eGUI 3.0?
Hello Gargy,
It would be nice for future release, to find file selector, and virtual keyboards, and a new focus scheme.
I explain :
- no object focussed by default.
- object focussed when pressed, and redrawn before *_OnClick*() call.
- object unfocussed and redrawn when it's released or after adjustable time.
It would be nice to have touch screen behaviour like android or other tactile devices.