Why the I2S MCLK output frequency of KL26 is not correct?

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Why the I2S MCLK output frequency of KL26 is not correct?

1,554 次查看
Contributor I


In my design, the MCLK is mapped to PTC4. The epected frequency of MCLK is 12.288MHz, divided from PLL_CLK 48MHz.

But when configured, the output frequency of MCLK on PTC4 pin, is always 48MHz, although the MDR regisiter is set to deifferent values, it seems that the MDR value doesn't work.

The clock configure code is as follow. Please help check why the MCLK is not 12.288MHz.

    CLOCK_EnableClock( kCLOCK_Sai0 );

    //master clock source: PLL_CLK, MCR[MICS] = 11b
    I2S0->MCR |= I2S_MCR_MICS(3);

    //Enable MCLK output, MCR[MOE] = 1b
    I2S0->MCR |= I2S_MCR_MOE(1);
    //Set the FRACT and DIVIDE. MCLK = master clock/(FRACT+1)/(DIVIDE+1), FRACT = 255, DIVIDE = 999
    I2S0->MCR &= ~I2S_MCR_DUF_MASK;
    I2S0->MDR =( I2S_MDR_DIVIDE(1000 - 1)  |  I2S_MDR_FRACT(256 - 1) );

    while( I2S0->MCR & I2S_MCR_DUF_MASK ){                // check MCR[DUF]
    //TCR2[MSEL](27-26) = 01b, TCR2[BCD](24) = 1b, DIV(7-0) = 4/2-1 = 1
    I2S0->TCR2 |= (0x00000001<<26) | (0x00000001<<24) | (0x00000001);
    //Rx clock set, internally generated, Rx BCLK = MCLK/4, 12.288M = 3.072*4 = 48K*32*2
    I2S0->RCR2 |= (0x00000001<<26) | (0x00000001<<24) | (0x00000001);

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1,303 次查看
Contributor I

I think I have found the answer in another question: Does the KL26 have a fractional clock divider for use with I2S? 

The same description is also found in the document "KL26P121M48SF4RM", page 114, "The module's MCLK Divide Register (MDR) is not used to control MCLK generation".

Please confirm again, does that mean the KL26 doesn't support fractional clock divider?

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1,303 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Correct. The KL26 doesn't support fractional clock divider as you mentioned.

1,303 次查看
Contributor I

OK,it's clear.

Thanks for your reply.

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