I use MK64FN1M0VLQ12 and KSZ8863RLL chip to realize the Ethernet function.
The pin REFCLI_3 on the chip KSZ8863RLL is for RMII reference clock. Which pin should it connect on the MK64FN1M0VLQ12?
For MCF54452, we can find the related connecting pin.
As it is showed in your picture, both REFCLK_I and FECn_TXCLK are input pins. The K64 RMII clock source can be EXTAL clock or ENET_1588_CLKIN selected via SIM_SOPT2[RMIISRC].
You can use one of these pin. It depend on how you design your system. Please also refer to FRDM-K64F schematic. It use EXTAL0 pin, the red path in the picture.