I am unable to program the MCU without using the openSDA usb port. Our target project will not have a USB port. I am using an IAR J-LINK ARM debugger connected to J11. I have removed r76 on the FRDM-KL43Z board and have cut the etch between pins 1 and 2 of J8. Are additional pull up/down resistors needed to use the SWD lines connected to J11?
Hi Bruce,
to debug the KL43Z using SWD connected to J11, the *only* hardware modification you have to do is to pupulate the J11 header.
No other hardware modification is needed.
See as well JTAG/SWD Debugging with the FRDM-KL25Z Board | MCU on Eclipse , same applies to FRDM-KL43Z.
I hope this helps,
I have posted a few pictures of the board, just in case:
SWD Debugging the FRDM-KL43Z | MCU on Eclipse
We put the resistor back and replaced the jumper. It works great, Thanks!