I would port my K60 application to K63 processor (MK63FN1M0VLQ12), but I can't find any header (with peripheral memory map) for this new processor.
I use simple makefile & gcc.
Where can I find that ? Should I explore the SDK and take only my ".h" file ?
Thank you,
Indeed, I already saw this file in the SDK, but there is much more dependencies than my older K60 header (core_cm4.h / cmsis files, ...).
So I can't just exchange old header by the new one (and some drivers updates).
I'll dig a bit more to have this working,
Thank you for the links
Hello, @romainv
Hoping you are excellent.
The SDK for K63 processor can downloaded from hour webpage (once you are logged in): https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/en/builder?hw=MK63FN1M0xxx12. Inside some driver examples or demo apps, you would be able to find the header file with the peripheral memory map and interruption vectors, etc.
Please let me know if you have more questions.
Best Regards,
Pablo Avalos.
Hello romainv,
yes it is part of the SDK.
You can also get it from here:
or here: