I've just assembled a custom board for a LQFP-44 package KE06Z chip. When I assembled everything, I put a scope on the oscillator to find that it's not oscillating. I used the FRDM-KE06Z as a reference design. This was a preliminary check and I have not actually tried flashing the chip yet. But my main question is if the oscillator should operate prior to flashing being that Xtal and EXTAL are the defaults for the pins 9 and 10 which using.
Where do the defaults in the datasheet actually come from? are they defauls in the SDK or are they defaults hardcoded in the chip from the factory?
Mark is correct.
If you want to observe the oscillating, please try to flash corresponding program first.
Best Regards,
Hi Steven
The crystal oscillator will only start when you load code to program it (in OSC0_CR). It will not oscillate by default, even though the pins default to that mode.
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