Using the MCUXpresso SDK builder, I asked for mcu-boot for my MK02FN64... chip. The interface says mcu-boot works for K22F board, but not for K02 processors.
The NXP bootloader web page says there is a "flashloader" available for K02 processors, available on-flash, but once it's overwritten, it's gone.
Is there a bootloader/flashloader I can download and write into my existing K02 based boards?
We need a permanent bootloader that will accept firmware updates from an external SPI master. Maybe modifying the flashloader to not self-destruct could be a useful option? Where can I find its source?
You could also refer to the bootloader examples in the K02 SDK. Those examples are for FRM-K22F but you can take them as a reference.
You can download the SDK from the below link:
Best regards,
The uTasker project contains K02F standalone boot loaders as follows:
Serial Loader:
This includes SD card, UART Kboot compatible , iHex, SREC, I2C modes which can be built with IAR, Keil, CW, KDS, MCUXpresso, Green Hills, Rowley, GCC, CooCox
Complete Kinetis solutions for professional needs, training and support:
uTasker: supporting >1'000 registered Kinetis users get products faster and cheaper to market
Request Free emergency remote desk-top consulting at
Open Source version at
Thanks, it looks interesting, for using from a PC or network. My use case is a bit special (from an external SPI master). I will still look into your code, and maybe I can still make use of it for our purposes.