I'm having a CPU crash problem and I am noticing an interrupt stack overflow when I send a high rate of SPI slave interrupts to my K20.
My system is setup as an SPI slave device utilizing a kernel level SPI interrupt when the receive FIFO is not empty (~1Khz).
The system also has two external A/D's interrupting GPIO lines configured as MQX interrupt inputs (~1Khz).
No matter what I do I con not change the size of the Interrupt Stack size, always reading ~1K. Does anyone know the trick?
Thanks n advance,
Hi Tom,
If you are using GCC compiler, then, the linker file is located in {MQX}\lib\(your board).cw10gcc\debug\bsp\, with file name intflash.ld.
please change the stack size by modify the code like below:
Hi Tom-san,
how about modifying the linker files. For example, in the 128KB_Pflash.lcf file the stack size is defined as 1KB. To enlarge the stack size. you can change it.
.data_bss : AT(__DATA_ROM)
__DATA_RAM = .;
__DATA_END = .;
. = ALIGN(0x10);
__START_BSS = .;
__END_BSS = .;
. = ALIGN(0x10);
. = . + (1 * 1024);
__HEAP_END = .;
__SP_END = .;
. = . + (1 * 1024); # You can change this line.
} > ram
Best regards,
Yasuhiko Koumoto.