I'm using blhost to write IFR 0x80 to put device into unsecured state. To do this I must set bits 1:0 in FSEC register to 10.
Since blhost requires 4 or 8 bytes, I am guessing the value I should write is: 0xFFFFFFFE, because the lowest bits in the E = 1110. But this doesn't work. I also tried little endian 0xFEFFFFFF, it did not work either.
When I read back 0x80 after writing, it looks like it worked. When I reset the device (or cycle power), the state is SECURED. But I expect it to be UNSECURED, since I wrote 10.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you
blhost -p COM5 flash-program-once 0x80 4 FFFFFFFE
Ping responded in 1 attempt(s)
Inject command 'flash-program-once'
Successful generic response to command 'flash-program-once'
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
blhost -p COM5 flash-read-once 0x80 4
Ping responded in 1 attempt(s)
Inject command 'flash-read-once'
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
Response word 1 = 4 (0x4)
Response word 2 = -2 (0xfffffffe)
blhost -p COM5 reset
Ping responded in 1 attempt(s)
Inject command 'reset'
Successful generic response to command 'reset'
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
blhost -p COM5 get-property 17
Ping responded in 1 attempt(s)
Inject command 'get-property'
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
Response word 1 = 1 (0x1)
Security State = SECURE
To my knowledge the only way to unsecure the device is chip erase or perhaps backdoor key..
0xFFFFFEFF I believe is the byte order.
The documentation often leaves a lot to be desired.
This details the procedure that you are seeking:
Thanks for the reply @bobpaddock
Yes, I have read the article you linked. The example shown is writing an entire register (FOPT) using a single IFR write to 0x84. It makes sense and it's clear what the bytes/bits mean. But I'm struggling to understand how to write individual bits in the FSEC register using IFR 0x80-0x83.
Let's take the case of backdoor key to unlock the device (as you suggested). To do that I need to set the backdoor key by writing 8 bytes to IFR 0xB0. No problem because it's a "full bytes" type of write, easy to understand. Next I try to set FSEC:KEYEN to 10 by writing IFR 0x83, which is an "individual bits" kind of write, and it doesn't seem to work. See output below.
Any suggestions?
// check that device is unsecure
blhost -p COM4 -- get-property 17
Ping responded in 1 attempt(s)
Inject command 'get-property'
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
Response word 1 = 0 (0x0)
Security State = UNSECURE
// Program FSEC:KEYEN (bits 7:6) to 10
blhost -p COM4 flash-program-once 0x83 4 FFFFFFBF
Ping responded in 1 attempt(s)
Inject command 'flash-program-once'
Successful generic response to command 'flash-program-once'
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
// Program backdoor key to 0xBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
blhost -p COM4 flash-program-once 0xB0 8 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
Ping responded in 1 attempt(s)
Inject command 'flash-program-once'
Successful generic response to command 'flash-program-once'
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
// Program FSEC:SEC (bits 1:0) to 11
blhost -p COM4 flash-program-once 0x80 4 FFFFFFFF
Ping responded in 1 attempt(s)
Inject command 'flash-program-once'
Successful generic response to command 'flash-program-once'
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
// reset so settings will take effect (also tried power cycle)
blhost -p COM4 reset
Ping responded in 1 attempt(s)
Inject command 'reset'
Successful generic response to command 'reset'
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
// unlock device with backdoor key
blhost -p COM4 -- flash-security-disable BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
Ping responded in 1 attempt(s)
Inject command 'flash-security-disable'
Response status = 103 (0x67) kStatus_FlashAccessError
Yep, I understand that, which is why I'm trying to use the backdoor key.
I also understand the need to write in multiples of 32-bits, the problem is where in that 32-bits do the bits I'm trying to program go? For example when I try to set FSEC KEYEN to 10 (see above)?
If I have the IFR write to FSEC:KEYEN correct, why is it not allowing me to unlock using backdoor key?
Hello @Samson88,
Could you please take a look to the following AN? It could be useful.
Also, have you tried use the Option #3: Debugger Script method?
Best regards, Raul.
Thanks Raul. Yes, I have already read the AN you pointed me to. It contains useful information but not the specific answer I'm looking for here. Again: what is wrong with the commands I'm using above to unlock device with backdoor key?
NXP cannot provide me a working example of backdoor key using blhost ?
Seems like for the right Engineer / support person this would be trivial task and only take a few minutes.
Oh well...