I want to implement a complementary filter for IMU data fusion than i can't see how we can get the time delay after each data sampling this time will be used for gyroscope numerical integration (dt), i want to know also if there is a function in MCUXpresso API that could help me.
Thanks for you.
Dear aminesedki.as@gmail.com,
Could you let me know which MCU are you using?
Best Regards,
Alexis Andalon
I use the a TWR-K60D100M which include a Kinetis K60 32-bit MCU.
Thanks for your quick reaction.
Dear Amine,
If you only need certain delay between the sampling you could try using a timer to do it. Maybe the FlexTimer examples could help with it.
Also the using the PDB module could be a good option for it.
You can find examples for this two modules in the SDK.
I hope this helps you.
Best Regards,
Alexis Andalon
Dear Alexis,
Thanks for your quick reaction, i will try this two modules.
Amine Sedki