Hi all,
Can anyone here help me to understand why Cyclone FX programmer could not program a
K64 uC.
We have been using this same Cyclone FX for few years to program this same K64 uC
type boards. However, started recently, we found it always failed with '$000000007'
: not able to connect to K64.
It also showed no target voltage (0.8V/0mA) on the display.
(The same K64 board that passed programming previously also failed)
Based on the display, we suspect the Cyclone FX is down, but I would like to seek
other advices if there could be other reasons why it 'suddenly' failed to connect
and program.
Thanks lots for your help.
Hi Pavel,
We did not try another cable, because we could measure target voltage on the board as well as on the cable side that connects to Cyclone FX. So we did not suspect cable issue.
How do you warrant all signals are coming to the target? voltage ok and the others?
Best regards,
Hi Pavel,
Thanks for the reply.
Because it was working since 2020 till this failure occur, and I noticed the target voltage display did not register the expect 3.3V, we only tried to measure the target voltage on DUT (3.3V) and traced to the cable connection on the PARTH connector (3.3V).
Initial suspicion on Cyclone FX.not measuring what we are seeing on Volt meter; could it be internal issue on the Cyclone FX? Before we send for repair, we would like to find out if we can have other diagnosis method to determine if the Cyclone FX's at fault.
In order to discard problems, could you confirm if the Cyclone can connect to the PC without a problem? Could you use another target different from the K64? if you do not have one, could you try with an MCU you flashed?
Best regards,
Maybe the connector header of the flat cable or the cable needs a replacement. Did you try with another cable?
Best regards,