Chip can't work without connect Jlink

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Chip can't work without connect Jlink

Contributor III

Hello! kerryzhou

I use MK10FN1M0VLQ12 chip, and use Jlink to program the code into the chip, I'm sure It can work. I just use LED to check.

and then I wanted to use the board when I already program the code into the chip, I just use power supply to the chip without Jlink, but it didn't work, the light did'nt flicker. Maybe the reason is I did't program into eeprom? I'm not sure, If it is why it can't work. How could I write eeprom? or just set the debug configuration, then it can program into the chip? 

Thank you for help!

3 Replies

Specialist I

Hi yu-jung Chuang,

it would be interesting to know if just physically connect the J-Link makes your application running? Or do you mean that it works if you have started it with the debugger, but won't without debugger?

If it is the second thing (it only works if using the debugger), then I think your problem is that you are using printf() or other printing with semihosting enabled, and you don't have the proper hard fault handler installed to deal with this.

I recommend that you try it with one of the 'nohost' libraries:

I hope this helps,


Contributor III

Yeah! I use semihosting to printf, then I cancel use semihosting and the code can work without J-Link! Thank you Erich and Kerry! 

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi yu-jung Chuang ,

    Thanks for your trust!

    What's the IDE you are using? Do you check the code linker file, do you allocate your code in the flash address? Please make sure your code is in the flash at first.

     If the code is really in the flash range, then you need to check the hardware, if you don't disconnect the JLINK, just power off and power on the board, whether the code works or not?

     Please also check your NMI pin, do you add the external 4.7K to 10K pull up resistor?

    Please also check the reset pin, this pin also need to add external 4.7K to 10K pull up resistor.

    Please check the above points at first.

Any updated information, please kindly let me know.

Have a great day,


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