Hi everyone,
I'm asking here but I believed that I should ask someone at NXP directly at some point.
So here it goes! I'm using the Kinetis Design Studio on my Linux machine, with a Manjaro Linux as main OS (an Arch Linux derivative).
In this OS paradigm, packages that are not in the official repositories can be added by users directly to what is known as AUR (Arch User Repository).
To push a package to AUR, you just need to write a PKGBUILD file that specifies the way the package is downloaded, built and installed on the system.
I also created a LICENSE file that takes the standard NXP license present on the website when you want to download the installer (more on that part later on).
I wrote such a file for my own installation on my system. Now, I was wondering if there was any way I could upload this to the Arch User Repository, allowing and improving the access to other persons who would use it from Arch Linux.
There are several challenges ahead (those that I saw, maybe there are more!):
Several details:
I'm willing to act as the maintainer of this package in the AUR should it be published in any way. (which means I'll update the files anytime a new version is published)
I also can have the PKGBUILD published without downloading the package from NXP website. This means users will have to download the *.rpm package from NXP's website directly (in the case of my first point above, where I can't link the file directly).
So, what do you think? I think these are more legal questions than technical ones, so you can delete this post if it's not appropriate (though I'd like to have a contact at NXP to explain this and see what their position is and can be or can not be done).
Well, it's true it's not a technical KDS problem, more like a juridic one. But I was thinking that maybe someone here could redirect me to the right people at NXP!
But I'll check with their forum and mailing list! I'll keep this updated of the outcome (in case anyone in the future wonders if the package is available in AUR!).
this question is more a Arch User Repository issue than KDS technical issue, May I suggest you check with :
Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang
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