Hello, I'm trying to configure the clock for a Kinetis MKE06Z128 on the FRDM-KE06 board. I had an MQX-Lite application running using the default internal clock, but when I try to configure for the 8 MHz crystal, it doesn't work and the crystal is not oscillating. Is there a separate component I need to add to control the OSC module? I have these settings in the clock settings for the CPU module:
System Oscillator - checked
Clock Frequency - 8 MHz
Oscillator operating mode - low power
Clock source settings:
ICS mode - FEE
FLL output - 40 MHz (only option)
ICS output clock - 10 MHz (also tried 40 MHz, doesn't work)
I have enabled the SetClockConfiguration method under the CPU component.
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Hi David,
I have submitted a ticket (ENGR00317168) so hopefully this can be addressed.
I've confirmed it, the code generated which configures the clocks has problems. If I try to configure for FBE mode operation using an 8MHz crystal, the OSC_CR value it comes up with is 0x0, which is wrong, and the ICS_C1 value it comes up with is 0xC2, which is also wrong. I'll try submitting a bug report, hopefully this will be fixed.
Edit: I have found specifically what's wrong. The CPU_Config.h that PE comes up with has the wrong values for CPU_ICS_C1_CONFIG_0, CPU_OSC_CR_CONFIG_0. Not just a little wrong, but not even close. Secondly, in CPU_Init.c, the initialization for CPU_ClockConfigDescriptors leaves out the initializer for OSC_CR_Value, so it will never populate the OSC_CR register properly.
If I try to configure the Kinetis for a 40 MHz core clock, 20 MHz bus clock, 40 MHz running off an 8 MHz external crystal in FEE mode, the correct values should be:
OSC_CR = 0xB4 (Oscillator enabled, Oscillator enabled in stop mode, Oscillator clock source selected, Oscillator high range enabled, low power mode enabled)
ISC_C1 = 0x18 (FLL output selected as clock source, Reference divider = 256, external reference selected for FLL, Internal reference clock disabled)
ISC_C2 = 0x00 (Divide clock by 1)
If I try the same settings in PE, here is what it comes up with;
OSC_CR = 0x14 ( oscillator disabled, oscillator clock source selected, oscillator high range enabled, low power mode enabled) - note that 0x0 is what actually gets written to OSC_CR.
ISC_C1 = 0x42 (Internal reference selected as clock source, reference divider = 32, external reference selected for FLL, Internal reference clock enabled)
ISC_C2 = 0x0 (divide clock by 1) - correct