使用Gui Guider 1.7.0和1.7.2 发现使用输入框控件没办法做内容居中,Design时显示是居中,但是一旦运行就会出现滑动条,最后发现是“边距”属性少了个Bottom,请问如何解决
Hello @LotusDream ,
Thanks for your feedback and we will try to improve it in the future release.
Now you could try to adjust textarea size manually to avoid display scrollbar, or use custom codes below in the screen to keep text size same with widget.
lv_obj_set_height(ui->screen_ta_1, LV_SIZE_CONTENT);
lv_obj_set_style_pad_bottom(ui->screen_ta_1, 4, LV_PART_MAIN|LV_STATE_DEFAULT);
Best Regards,