Hi @wsx1316548790,
Thanks for your feedback, and I suggest you to select images of same size and set its to a reasonable and uniform size within the list. If the image is set too large, it will cause misalignment between the text and the image.
we will trying to improve the different effect between simulator and editor in the future release.
Best Regards,
Hi @wsx1316548790,
The first issue is caused by the LVGL List widget, which by default has no alignment configuration for button content, so if your image size is too big or too small compared to the text font size, the alignment will look weird.
We will try to fix the alignment of list button content to center alignment, thanks for your feedback.
the second issue is caused by the text font, there're some difference between Simulator and editor when the widget size related with font size, and we are continuously improving this issue.
Best Regards,