Now, the DSP56300 and DSP5672x have not roadmap, on the NXP home page, the Suite56 tools is removed. But there are customers who need to use the tools, I put the tools here so that customer can download it free of charge. It includes asm56300.exe assembly compiler, gds56300.exe debugger.
Now we only support assembly language for both DSP56300 and DSP5672x families, we do not support C language, there is third part C compiler from task C if customer want to use C compiler.
The GDS56300.exe only supports Wiggler(parallel command converter) device, it does not support USB type device.
Original Attachment has been moved to: DSP56300Tools.rar
hiDSP56300Tools.rar 的链接不可用,能否发个备份到我的邮箱谢谢
how about using the link:
I have tried to download, it is okay.
XiangJun Rong