Hi everybody,
I´m using DSC56F84789 + CW10.4 + ProcessorExpert to develop a project that samples several channels of the ADC12 (triggered parallel, converter A only, simultaneous). I can see random samples that are close to (or exactly at) 16384, when the sampled signal is a sinusoidal ranged from +5000 to -5000, 50 Hz which a sampling frequency of 6400 Hz. Sampling is perfet appart from these sporadic (once a day, once in a weekend, twice a day...) outliers.
Has anyone experienced a similar problem?
As I know there´s a bug in PE that generates wrong configuration of ADC, I manually setup up the ADC12 registers like this:
setRegBit(ADC12_CTRL1,STOP0); //0x4000: Stop command issued |
setRegBit(ADC12_PWR,APD);//Activa autoapagado | ||
clrRegBits(ADC12_PWR2,ADC12_PWR2_SPEEDA_MASK); | //relojA <5MHz | |
setRegBitGroup(ADC12_CTRL1,SMODE,0b101);//0x0005: triggered parallel | ||
setRegBit(ADC12_CTRL1,EOSIE0); | //0x0800: ADCA EOSI0 interrupt enabled | |
setRegBit(ADC12_CTRL1,SYNC0); | //0x1000: ADCA Triggered by SYNC0 pulses |
clrRegBit(ADC12_CTRL2,SIMULT); | //0x0000: Independent | |
setRegBitGroup(ADC12_CTRL1,CHNCFG_L,0x03); | //0x0030 | |
setRegBitGroup(ADC12_CTRL2,CHNCFG_H,0x03); | //0x00B0 |
clrRegBit(ADC12_CTRL1,STOP0); /* Stop command cleared */ |
Best regards
Hi, Carlos,
Firstly, all analog channel's allowed voltage are from GND to 3.3V, the analog channel pins ANAx or ANBx can not accept negative voltage from hardware perspective.
Secondly, I suggest you use Simultaneous mode by setting the SIMULT bit in ADC0_CTRL2.
Pls have a try, if there is still have abnormal digital sample, update the community page.
setRegBit(ADC12_CTRL2,SIMULT);//0x0000: simultaneous mode
Xiangjun Rong
Dear Xiangjun,
thank you very much for the answer. However, I can see the point of using simultaneous mode if I´m not sampling any ADCB channels. More over when there are certain issues with ADCs power consumption.
By the way, I´ll give a try to the simultaneous mode.
what is the result, any progress?
XiangJun Rong
Dear Xiangjun,
this strange behaviour appears once in a while, so I need days to be sure whether every change takes effect or not.
I´ll keep you informed.
Thanks again.