we have a project developed on CW8.3 using Quickstart 2.5 based on 56F8006 device. Now we need to port it on CW10.6. Is there any simple means to do that. I see that the Quickstart2.5 stationary just has *.mcp (project file for classic codewarrior) support.
CodeWarrior projects for CW8.3 for DSC may be imported using CW10.6 for MCU.
The fact that it is a QuickStart project may or may not introduce complications, as I have not attempted to convert such projects.
Have you tried the import feature of CW10.6 to import the CW8.3 for DSC project?
Hi John,
Yes I tried importing it, but the improted code generated errors for dependencies of appconfig that gets generated by Quickstart.
For support on this tool, you need to contact ROsnov engineers directly.