mcf52259 ADC question

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mcf52259 ADC question

Contributor I

I noticed in the datasheet that pins 22/23 are 'SYNC A' and 'SYNC B' which are supposedly to be triggered when an ADC measurement/conversion is wanted to be made. My question is are these pins REQUIRED to be triggered in order for an ADC to take a measurement and make a conversion?


Currently, we are able to take measurements WITHOUT triggering these pins, but I just want to make sure were not doing this 'by chance' and eventually have future problems and not be able to utilize these ADC channels due to us not using the SYNC A and SYNC B pins.




Thanks for any insight!

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Senior Contributor III

No.You must specifically set bits the the ADC registers to use these triggers.

Like CTRL1  Bit 12 SYNC0:

"Synchronization 0 Enable bit. When this bit is set, a conversion may be initiated by asserting a positive edge

on the SYNC0 input. Any subsequent SYNC0 input pulses that occur during the scan are ignored. In once

sequential and once parallel scan modes, only the first SYNC0 input pulse is honored. Subsequent SYNC0

input pulses are ignored until SYNC0 input is re-armed by setting SYNC0. This can be done at any time, even

during the execution of the scan. The ADC must be in a stable power configuration prior to writing to START0"

0 Scan is initiated by a write to the START0 bit only

1 Scan is initiated by a SYNC0 input pulse or a write to the START0 bit