I want to relocate a function to a RAM location. I referred AN4329 and used the Method 1 but I am getting compilation errors as end of line expected for all the three pragama statements. . I did try another method as defined below under Method 2, I am gettign errors for end of line expected along with illegal or unsupported attribute
Please suggest what is the best or any alternative to relocate a function to a RAM location
Method 1
/////defined in .c file
#pragma define_section mySectionInRAM “.myCodeInRAM” far_absolute RX
#pragma section mySectionInRAM begin
void function1(void);
void function1(void)
#pragma section mySectionInRAM end
Method 2
#pragma section RX “.myCodeInRAM” data_mode=far_abs
//#pragma section mySectionInRAM begin
__declspec(section ".myCodeInRAM") void function1(void);
__declspec(section ".myCodeInRAM") void function1(void)
Also my linker file where I created new section myCodeInRAM
# * File: flash.dld
# * Purpose: Linker file for M5475EVB and M5485EVB
# *
# * Notes: Creates a Flash bootable image
# */
KEEP_SECTION {.vectortable}
boot (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000 , LENGTH = 0x00200000
text (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0x02001000 , LENGTH = 0x02000000
vector_ram (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 0x00000400 /* Vector table */
data (RWX) : ORIGIN = AFTER(text), LENGTH = 0
myram (RWX) : ORIGIN = AFTER(data), LENGTH = 0
bss (RWX) : ORIGIN = AFTER(myram), LENGTH = 0
# Heap and Stack sizes definition
___heap_size = 0x100;
___stack_size = 0x100;
.vector_ram : {} > vector_ram
___MBAR = 0x10000000;
__MBAR = ___MBAR ;
___SDRAM = 0x02000000 ;
___SDRAM_SIZE = (8 * 1024 * 1024);
# ___SDRAM_SIZE = (16 * 1024 * 1024);
___SYS_SRAM = ___MBAR + 0x00010000;
___SYS_SRAM_SIZE = (32 * 1024) ;
___MCDAPI_SIZE = (12 * 1024);
___CORE_SRAM0 = 0x20000000 ;
___CORE_SRAM0_SIZE = (4 * 1024) ;
___CORE_SRAM1 = 0x20001000 ;
___CORE_SRAM1_SIZE = (4 * 1024) ;
___CODE_FLASH = 0x00000000 ;
___CODE_FLASH_SIZE = (32 * 1024 * 1024);
___BOOT_FLASH = 0x00000000 ;
___BOOT_FLASH_SIZE = (2 * 1024 * 1024);
___VECTOR_RAM = ADDR(.vector_ram);
.boot :
. = ALIGN(0x4);
. = ALIGN(0x4);
_BOOT_END = .;
} > boot
.text : AT(0x00010000)
. = ALIGN(0x4);
. = ALIGN(0x4);
___DATA_ROM = . ;
_TEXT_END = . ;
} > text
_TEXT_PHYSICAL = 0x00010000;
.data : AT(0x00010000 + SIZEOF(.text))
. = ALIGN(0x4);
___DATA_RAM = . ;
. = ALIGN(0x4);
___DATA_END = . ;
} > data
_DATA_PHYSICAL = 0x00010000 + SIZEOF(text);
.my_ram : AT(0x00010000 + SIZEOF(.text) + SIZEOF(data))
. = ALIGN (0x4);
___myRAMStart = .;
___myRAMEnd = .;
. = ALIGN (0x4);
} > myram
_myRAM_PHYSICAL = 0x00010000 + SIZEOF(text) + SIZEOF(data);
_myRAM_VIRTUAL = ___myRAMStart;
_myRAM_SIZE = ___myRAMEnd - ___myRAMStart;
.bss :
. = ALIGN(0x4);
___BSS_START = . ;
. = ALIGN(0x4);
___BSS_END = . ;
} > bss
___HEAP_START = .;
___HEAP_END = ___HEAP_START + (512*1024);
___SP_END = ___HEAP_END;
___SP_INIT = ___SP_END + (4*1024);
Please suggest on those lines. I wil try to change as per your suggestiosn not sure it will fix end of line unexpected compilation errors
Hi Hui,
Thanks for the update but I am getting pragama complication errors as End of line expected using code warrior when using pragma statements to relocate as per the the document mentioned