After trying the processor expert
it seems not available for the 51JM128 (only for QE).
All MGC settings to default (it should
run at 32..40 MHz) (internal refclk x 1024).
After starting the debugger (via BDM to external target)
a message appears (in the command window):
Reset command file correctly executed.
FP: FLASH parameters loaded for MCF51JM128_V0_4 from C:\Program Files\Freescale\CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.1\prog\FPP\mcu7003.fpp
MCU clock speed: 4541000 Hz
Block Module Name Address Range Status
0 FLASH 0 - FFFF Programmed - Unselected
This sets the MCU clk to 4.5 Mhz, why does it do that??
(the goal is to achieve 50 Mhz mcuclk and 25 mhz busclk).