I finally got my Code Warrior Flash Programmer configuration and FLASH algorithm straightened out. Thanks. I am able to erase, blank check, program and verify the external Flash on my MCF5235 EVB. I have not been as successful with my board.
When I erase the Flash Programmer tool hangs up on "Initializing...". I [Cancel] to stop the process. When I look at Flash, I have the same value 0xFCFFFFFF, repeated through the entire Flash memory device. I did erase again. It hung and [cancel] out. This time the value 0xFFFFFFFF was repeated throughout Flash.
When I programmed the Flash, only the low WORD of the image was programmed into Flash. The high WORD remained 0xFFFF.
It is a 32-bit wide Flash device. The CS register is configured for 32 bit port size. The address lines appear OK. System address A2=Flash address A0, SA3=Flash A1, ...as so forth. The MCF5235 control lines CS, R/W, and OE are hooked up to the Flash control lines CE, W, OE pins. Am I missing something else in the configuration of the MCF5235 or the CW tool or do I have a hw problem?