First you need to understand that the Power Architecture (or PowerPC) compiler is generating directly binary code for a Power Architecture (or PowerPC) core.
It does nt generate intermediate assembly code, that needs to be assembled afterward.
The option -S is dis-assembling the generated code, but the generated code, but the generated file is not directly usable as input file for the assembler. You will need to edit the generated file and create the frame for the assembly source file (section definition, optional variable definition, directives to export/import symbols and so on.
The option -S generates a disassembly listing but does not generate the binary object file in parallel. The disassembly listing file is stored in the output file specified with the -o option on the command line.
That means if you want to build a source file and generate a disassembly listing file in parallel, you have to invoke the compiler twice. Once with option -S specifying disassembly listing file name in -o option and once without -S specifying the binary file name after th e-o option.
I hope that helps.