I was following the instructions for generating a PBL configuration for the LS1012A using QCVS within CodeWarrior 11.2.5
Whenever I click on the PBL:PBL component, the following error dialog appears:
When I look at the contents of the target_access_settings.xml file (/usr/local/Freescale/CW4NET_v2017.03/Common/QCVS/Optimization/resources/QorIQ/common/config/target_access_settings.xml), it appears that some targets include a targetAccessName value whereas others do not. The entry for the LS1012A does not.
Is this a problem? Should I modify the target_access_settings.xml file to mimic other entries? Is this due to not having an active JTAG (TAP) connection?
I'm able to successfully generate a PBL.bin output file--but am not sure what to make of this error?
Sorry for the lengthy delay in replying: evidently I am not getting notified when you responded.
I tried switching to a newly created Eclipse workspace and then creating a new QorIQ Configuration Project As before, after it creates the default project, when I click on Components > PBL:PBL in the Component Inspector, I see the same error again.
Would this occur because I don't have any target connections established yet (no CodeWarrior tap connected)?
My guess is that something happened during installation. But to be sure try to modify fsl_eclipse.bat from \CW4NET_v2017.03\CW_ARMv8\ by adding -clean option in the latest line as below:
:: start Eclipse
start "" "%ECLIPSEHOME%"\eclipse.exe --launcher.appendVmargs -clean -vmargs -Declipse.pluginCustomization="%PROPHOME%"
Hi Adrian,
I added the '-clean' argument, but that doesn't fix the problem. I'm running the Linux version of CW on Ubuntu so modified the last line of fsl_eclipse.sh:
"$eclipsehome"/eclipse/eclipse -vm "$eclipsehome"/jre/bin/java --launcher.appendVmargs -clean -vmargs -Declipse.pluginCustomization="$eclipsehome"/eclipse/cwarm.properties
Please switch to a new workspace and see if the issue persist.