If you are using ProcessorExpert to generate low level drivers and if you want to associate your own interrupt function for a specific interrupt you should proceed as follows:
- Add an Interruptvector Bean to your project
- Initialize the InterruptVector Bean with the appropriate InterruptVector name
- Specify the name of your interrupt function in the "ISR name" edit box.
Also if you are using your own interrupt function I assume you are programming one of the devices on the CPU yourself.
I would than also recommend you to marked the corresponding resources as used by an external device.
This can be done as follows:
- Open the Bean Inspector for the CPU bean
- Go to the Used Tab
- Look for the resource you are programming outside of ProcessorExpert (for instance I/O Port A)
and toggle its status from "ready for use in PE" to "Used by an external device".
I hope this helps.