hello MIKE yetsko
I am sravan, i am using green hills multi ide to compile and build my project in windows environment. I request you to confirm me the executable file format that will be generated after building the project.And how the executable can be converted to .abs file format.
Are there any option settings to generate a specific executable in green hills multi ide.
I am using freescale MPC5643l.
Please do me the need full.
If possible please send me the reply to sravanjaini68@gmail.com
Sravan Jaini.
Well, I'm a ditz, and I know it, so if someone NEEDS the help, it's gonna be me!
For example, I mistyped my alias, and now there seems to be no way to change it...
Send me a Private Message with the alias you want and I'll see what I can do !!!
Hi Mike,
You're right, I asked for it like a forthnight ago...
Probably not nicely enough !
I'll push again.
hello Alban san,
I am sravan, i am using green hills multi ide to compile and build my project in windows environment. I request you to confirm me the executable file format that will be generated after building the project.And how the executable can be converted to .abs file format.
Are there any option settings to generate a specific executable in green hills multi ide.
I am using freescale MPC5643l.
Please do me the need full.
If possible please send me the reply to sravanjaini68@gmail.com
Sravan Jaini.