Hi all
I have been searching this forum and on the web for a guide to getting started.
Basically I am going to use the DEMO9s08qg8 to create a simple RS232 to SPI bridge.
I want to input 3 x 8bytes in RS232 and then convret it to a 24bit SPI string to control a voltage controlled oscilator.
my board has not arrived yet but ive been playing with an HC08 (MC908Q4CP) and the free code warrior.
when the HCS08 board comes will it be possible to use this to create a rs232 to spi bridge?
and then I will want to create production boards, integrated with the VCO an what not. WIll i need a chip programmer or can i do it with tthe RS232 interface?
how about software will the 16k codewarrior version do?
if some one could bullet point what i need i would be over the moon
just to recap
a tiny conversion board to convert 3 x 8 byte rs232 to 24-bit string spi.
how to go about taking the code created in codewarrior, and making a protuction board, all tools needed etc.
many thanks, and i look forwards to your responeses
Chris Staines,