I'm building a software application for PIC & AVR, one of my users suggested I look at freescale (rs08?) device. Is there a free command line assembler available for this kind of device. I started to download "code warrior" but the download looks a bit too big for the piece of software I'm looking for.
Thanks in advance,
Michael, look for Alfred Arnold's AS macro assembler (alfsembler.de).
If you start the assembler from within a Command Prompt window with arguments (such as options or output files) it should operate in the batch mode and the GUI window should not appear. Example:
C:\Program Files\Freescale\CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers Vx\MCU_x.x\prog\ahc08.exe a.s > asm_output.o.
(Sorry, trying to recall things from a leaky memory here.)
The command line process is going to take off once the assembler launches, so if you need batch commands to execute in precise sequential order, you'll need to use start /wait pairs to ensure that the command line process waits until the assembler completes. Example:
start /wait C:\Program Files\Freescale\CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers Vx\MCU_x.x\prog\ahc08.exe a.s > asm_output.o.
Cool, thanks for the feedback, will try out the suggestions..
Hi Michael,
We could never get CodeWarrior to work, so we just use its assembler, linker and debugger separately (actually, from Motorola's old IDE, "MCUez").
They are all in CodeWarrior's "Prog" directory. The assembler is "ahc08.exe", the linker is "linker.exe", and the debugger is "hiwave.exe". There are other utilities there as well, and the manuals (both .pdf and help-files) are in the "Help" directory.
Thanks everyone it sounds like I can play around with this now, much appreciated!
To get an idea of what I'm attemting I have developed a cross compiler for PIC & AVR and want to include freescale products, so my users have the broadest choice of chip families. I have developed a low level language called KicASM (macros) and define the entire system using these macros. Assuming I can use macros with freescale and define my low level command set then the system should just "work". So far it sounds promising, if I can get the assembler to work and it supports macros the way I need it to then it "should" work out OK.
All the best,
I had a go with the ahc08.exe assembler to compile some test apps. I'd like to be able to call the assembler from within my own application so that users don't need to interact with the assembler window, does anyone know if that is possible?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Michael,
I has been a few years, but I did try to run ahc08.exe and linker.exe from batch files. However, no matter what I did, I could not keep either of them from throwing up their GUI window. It seemed at the time that they could only be used interactively.
But Codewarrior needs to run and control these programs, so there must be a way.
Thanks, I have downloaded code warrior and the free links you gave me.
I looked in the code warrior directory for an assembler but it's not clear if an item there is a command line assembler, I was hoping to see something like "assembler.exe" but no luck.. Plenty of DLL's with promising sounding names like "Compiler".
Does anyone know if the assembler part of code warrior can be run stand alone?
Hello Michael,
When running the assembler stand-alone, the linker is not used, and the S19 file is directly generated. This requires that the code be an absolute assembly project, with only a single .asm file, (but with as many "include" files as needed). An include file must not have an .asm extension.
For this type of project, I would normally keep all files in a single folder. From within the CW installation, copy the .inc file for the derivative you are using into the folder. Also find and copy a project.ini file into the same folder. These steps are not required when using the IDE.
When you run the ahc08 program, firstly "drag" the project.ini file into the window. This will enable the assembler to find the include files within the current folder. Then, each time you require to assemble the code, drag the .asm file into the assembler window.
The command line tools are in the prog folder, not in bin.
The assembler for both HC08 and RS08 is called prog\ahc08.exe.