Hello Toffer,
The following is a list of required hardware and software, for starting a ZigBee project:
• The BeeKit installer package which can be downloaded from Freescale at the following URL: www.freescale.com/zigbee. BeeKit includes an unlimited use license for the SMAC and 802.15.4 codebases, also includes a 90-day evaluation of Freescale's BeeStack™ ZigBee codebase. For BeeStack, a single user license and floating license may be purchased.
• CodeWarrior Development Studio for Freescale HC(S)08 Microcontrollers, Version 6.1 or later (Full License) (Requires 60K upgrade for 802.15.4 and BeeStack).
• USB HCS08/HCS12 Multilink BDM from P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc. BDM is used for download the project into the boards.
After installing BeeKit, you can find a lot of documentations in \BeeKit Documentation folder. Also, it is recommended to download ZigBee Specifications from www.zigbee.org