Here is the BUFFALO assembly file.
Jim Kenney
The S19 file. I changed the extension to .txt so that the system would take it.
Jim Kenney
I was looking for something else when I stumbled across your e-mail. I looked thru my archives and found the attached files. The User Manual is for the HC11EVB, a low cost evalutation board offered in the mid to late 90's. It came with BUFFALO (Bit User's Fast Friendly Aid to Logical Operation) in the EPROM. The UM can be considered a BUFFALO user's manual as well. I have also attached the assembly code and S19 file for ver 3.4. (Looks like the message board allows only one attachment at a time. I will send the code seperately.)
These come with no warranty of any kind. You may need to dust them off before you use them as they have been on my shelf since 2000.
Have fun!
Jim Kenney