Hi Zahar,
Thanks for your thoughts. I'm not sure if you understand my thread or I am not getting the gist of your suggestion. But let me explain again.
The question was;
Why should not the QB8 give the same clock speed as the QY4A when using the same s19 file programmed into it via the same Mon08 Cyclone?
Ok sure I could re-assemble the code with QB8 selected as target. But I am just curious as to why there was a difference when I could not find a signficant difference in the registers between QY4A and QB8.
It's not a problem for me because I can use the Cyclone Pro to program QB8. And as I said previously, the Pro does trim the QB8 correctly using the same s19 file that the Mon08 Cyclone does not trim the QB8 correctly (where it does trim the QY4A correctly).
If I had time I would do more experimenting and investigation on this but I don't and I have a solution with the Pro anyway. Besides, I'm changing to 9S08SH8 for this product shortly so the whole issue is redundant. But never the less, it would have been nice to know exactly what was going on.
At the end of the day, it is most likely something I am missing and not a software or hardware issue. As a manufacturer myself I know only too well that most user queries are not the result of manufacturer faults but the user not abiding by the golden rule of "If all else fails, read the instructions". But again, being a manufacturer I also know only too well that according to Guyatt's Theorum; "the number of users that read instructions is inversely proportional to the number of pages".