I am working on a project where the ATtiny85 (8 bit AVR microcontroller) measures the frequency from the output signal of 555 timer circuit that is connected to pb4 of ATtiny85, then it should do NDEF formatting of measured frequency data and store it in EEPROM of nt3h211 IC through i2c communication where the data should be available for NFC communication.
I am building this in Arduino ide platform. I build the code to measure the frequency ATtiny85 using macros function. Is there any library that performs NDEF formatting of measured frequency data and storing the value in EEPROM of nt3h2111 IC through i2c communication. If not please recommend any other way to achieve it.
In this project, we are not using energy harvesting , instead we powering the devices and IC'S using external power source
Hi Robert:
I would suggest you refer to below link for Ardunio with NTAG I2C PLUS