Hi My name is Miguel Angel Ferreira. I have been working by more than 5 years with the MC908QY4 8 Bits microcontroller. Now I want to update it to a more robust more faster but with the same DIP package microcotroller. I think that with 10 bits ADC and 10 bits PWM resolution I can greatly improve my current applications. So any suggestion??
I don't think you will find a pin-to-pin replacement and HC08 does not seem to have much life left. Maybe switch to 9S08.
The closest I can think (to give you more power and a DIP package) is the 9S08FL16. But a board redesign, or at least an MCU replacement board, will be required.
OK. Tony! Nice to see a quick answer to my request. In fact I have used the FL16 for new designs, as it is a 32 SDIP package. However this FL16 is 8 bit PWM/ADC, I want to re make my question in the fact related to the features of the Microcontroller, currently the QY4 is already death for DIP package, however it has been a good friend during all this time of using it. But my main point is if there is a microcontroller with 10 bits ADC/PWM capability in DIP package.? at least not a pin to pin rplacement.
please check the s08qg family
8-bit Small Package QG MCUs | NXP
it is available on DIP8 and DIP16
I hope this will help you.
Thanks!! many thanks! this is the answer I was looking for with my research! it fits my problem 100%. I can go further in my proyect now!