I am usual of CodeWarrior Development Studio for HC08 family. I am now starting with HCS08 family.
For that, I am using :
- MC9S08QE64
- USB MULTILINK Interface Revision C
- CodeWarrior 6.0
- Software Demo QE64 Assembler
I am observing the following when I try to program the device with the HCS08 P&E Multilink/Cyclone Pro Connection:
- First try after connection Error 14 happen
- After Abort Postload command file correctly executed
- Connection looks OK: I can modify any port with debbugger
- Executing again loading of QE64 Demo . The CPROGHCS08 programmer (Version 1.49) Status Window shows the following:
Windows NT detectedEthernet functionnality not enabled; Socket Error #10065 No route to host
Copyright 1999,2000 P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc
USB HCS08/HCS12 MULTILINK detected -Flash Version 5.67
Initializing. Target has been RESET and is active
CMD>CM C:\Program Files\Freescale\CodeWarrior for Microcontrllers V6.0\prog\P&E\9S08QE64.S8P
USB HCS08/HCS12 MULTILINK detected -Flash Version 5.67
Initializing.(Recommended TRIM=$00B1,FTRIM=0) (Bus Freq=7968khz) Initialized
;version 0.04 ALPHA 01/08/2007, copyright P&E Microcomputer Systems, www.pemicro.com [9s08qe64]
;device Freescale, 9S08QE64, All
Loading programming algorithm... Done.(FCDIV=$AC)
Erasing. /
The / after Erasing is continously turning . The system keep this state and never goes to the next step.
So it is impossible to program. What is wrong?